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Aylin then found herself unsure of what to do with him. He would not kill her himself, and even if he attempted, Aylin couldn't be killed. She hadn't found a single source that has caused the event of death yet. Just when she was contemplating what to do, she heard a quivering female voice from the hallway. "Aylin?" She sharply turned around, noticing her little sister stood in the doorway along with many more people. "El?"

"What are you doing here? You need to go!" Aylin insisted harshly.

"May we do that, and you know it. Now, why are you pointing the rather cool sword at this dude?" Connor spoke, knowing there was a part of her that had to listen to him.

"He tried to kill or kidnap me, I forgot. A lot has happened since his declaration; the two to your right are his men." Aylin said, tilting her head sharply towards the sofa area. As everyone took a peek over. "Nice one Aylin." Cassian chuckled. "You defiantly have Onyx blood!" He sighed, striding right over to the corpses and crouching to inspect. "But we came because Kana here told us you were injured?"

"Ah yeah, no big deal, just a sword through my stomach, healed halfway through the fight." Aylin shrugged in a matter of fact fashion as she turned her attention back to Galileo. "So, ladies and gentlemen, what do we do with this traitor?" Aylin sighed, tilting her head and tapping her blade to Galileo's chest. Cassian then sauntered towards Aylin and Galileo. "Well, there is only one place for him," Cassian paused with a smirk as he looked at Aylin, who responded with the same emotion. "Galileo Starborn, you are as a result of this sentence with the high courts with an Angel present. To attempt of the killing of own kind and kidnapping of own kind?"

"How do you plead?" Aylin interjected, wanting to hear what he had to say.

"Not guilty!" He hissed, his hands now being bound by white energy. Then evaporating and taken into flames, everyone in that room knew it was up to the heavens to decided his fate. Everyone looked at a blood-stained Aylin as she reduced her blade to a seeking stone once again. "Look, I appreciate you all coming here, but this is not a safe place for any of you!" Aylin announced as time passed with silence. "Oh, and you think a change of hair colour is going to save you?" Cassian implied as he pointed to the two dead men to prove his point. Guiding Aylin's eyes to the attempt on her life. "Well, I killed them, didn't I?" She paused now in the bathroom, trying to wash the stained blood sheets. As then, one of the knights stepped forward and walked towards Aylin without a word. This caused Aylin to pause, and without a word, the two seemed to have a conversation. "Eos, what is happening?" Silvia enquired, confused at the actions herself. As Eos turned around, her ears became pointed, and her eyes elongated. She then clicked her fingers, and everything was being cleaned and cleared. "Eos!" Silvia spoke, shocked at her knight's power. "I have never seen something like it?" Stated Connor in awe of the magic taking place in front of him. A few seconds passed. "Thank you, Eos." Aylin acknowledged pulling her into a genuine hug. "Wait, I have read of your kind?" Ellaria spoke in shock and amazement. "Your Dragonborn, I am not sure of what kind, but your people are ones of legend!"

"That she is El, Eos is one of the last left in the cosmos. But I see you are the bookworm of the family. Wait, how did you read of them when there are no books of her kind on earth?" Aylin questioned with her hands on her hips. Ellaria then looked down to the floor awkwardly. This then got Aylin thinking and suddenly gave her a change of heart, "Do we understand what we are up against here?" Everyone then looked up at the now blonde Aylin as she pouted at all of them. "Yes," Everyone mumbled in unison, unsure of what was happening. Aylin nodded in thought, then stating, "Ok, now that we know Galileo is corrupt, we have to assume that everyone there is on his side; I know this is going to be hard." Aylin spoke firmly, now looking at the Onyx four. "We don't care, Ay, look at all we are creating, we found our sister, we have everything we need." Soren started speaking for the four of them. Aylin then folded her arms, feeling a little more open to the situation. "Very well, we need a place to train and talk about how this is going to play out?"

"Um, we could use a football field to train at night and maybe Connor place to work of game?" Cassian suggested looking at Connor with slim eyes. "Very well, Connor. I will provide everyone with food and promise to find a safe house soon. Is this ok till then?" Aylin negotiated with Connor, who was looking horrified. "I have a better plan Maya, why don't we also go and see Tobias? We could share the group between wolf houses?" Connor added, folding his rather muscular arms at the same time Cassian did. Aylin picked up on this but quickly chose to ignore it. "Fine, we can go and see him; I can guarantee he will hate it; he keeps to himself." Aylin prompted as Connor rolled his eyes. "I am glad you have chosen to keep us, close sister, now we must go and hear about the plan of yours," Silvia interjected as Aylin took a last look out the window before following everyone out. Aylin knew this was her best chance of winning the war, but as she walked behind, she looked at all her friends, following her into battle and being her allies. She didn't want them to die, which made her more determined to live up to her name. She knew her stoic nature was softening, and her guarded secrets would have to one day be told. But for now, she was happy to have somewhat of an army. 

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