Chapter 5- Page 22

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"Wait, when were you two going to tell us about this?" Spoke Archer and Soren as they began to approach, Cassian and Aylin. Both of them pulling away from each other smiling and looking at the floor. "Well if you didn't realise we were in Battle, thought it would be a little inconvenient?" Cassian stated folding his muscular arms in defence. "Oh come on, we were just having a bit of fun. Its cute, out best friends and sister dating, not a bad thing at all." Soren spoke raising an eyebrow and smirking. "Come on, lets go find some shelter, we have to be hidden by sun down." Aylin stated as she put a hand of Cassian's chest, and looked up at him, gently placing her hand in his. Soren, Tobias and Archer then Carried Connor, Benedict and Ellaria were in full conversation, and Aylin sent a fly note to Silvia. Knowing they wouldn't be coming back to them. Aylin knew that missions had to continue, and she also knew that the battle with Baze wasn't over she knew he would be back. 

Finally they found the cave, Aylin directing them every step of the way. When they got in Aylin guided then further and further in, magicking firefly's to guide the group. Suddenly they began to see the fairy lights and carpet in the cave, "What the hell is this place Aylin?" Questioned Tobias seeing it first and looking confused. "Well this is my home." Aylin spoke looking around the place in reminiscence. "I am sorry, what do you mean?" 

"Well Cassian, I live here, when I am not with the Knights I use this cave to live and relax?" Aylin spoke as she used magic throwing a fireball at the stove she had somehow installed. "We can put Connor over there on that bed till he wakes up." Aylin spoke pointing to one of the bunk beds, look I know its not much, but until we know that Baze is dead, we are fugitives and need to keep a low profile." Aylin stated making everyone aware of the situation. 

"Aylin, its not the fact we don't like the place, we just can't imagen you making all of this and living here along?" Ellaria spoke in awe of the place, once you stepped in it looked like a paradise, everything was in modern taste, with the colour pallet of greys, whites and yellows. "Oh I am glad you like it Ellaria. I up date it every few weeks, but I trust you are all hungry, so here, it have Pizza." Aylin spoke stooping down to the oven and pulling it out. "Oh nice, Aylin!" exclaimed Archer getting excited about pizza. The rest of the evening Aylin and the others finally had a moments peace since Aylin arrived in New York many months ago. "Aylin, I know you don't like remembering the past, but I really want to know what where mum and dad like?" Ellaria questioned as everyone looked at Aylin as she sat cuddled into Cassian. She then sat up and moved her hair out of her face. 

"Well, mum was much like you Ellaria, she was tall, beautiful with the most angelic features I have ever seen to this day, Dad was much like the boys, handsome and muscle bound and with a beard. He had this voice that would send me to sleep at night, telling story's of anything, the pair of them that night I will never forget." Aylin stated shaking her head telling her siblings what they had a right to know. But she couldn't help the flashbacks coming and going in her mind. hearing the battle cries as her father left the home. Aylin running after  him and seeing him slaughtered because of land. "What do you know of my family?" Spoke Cassian in peaceful tone. "You, you had the same fate as me, I was never sure how to tell you Cassian, and believe me I wanted to." Aylin paused looking at the boy with handsome features and a perplexed look on his face. "Cassian, you had the same life as me, you were kidnapped as a baby by Baze, you have powers hidden inside of you like me." 

"No, that cant be true, I am just ordinary, just Onyx blood!" He exclaimed searching Aylin's eyes for any detection of a lie. Aylin then held his hand and shook her head, "I am not lying Cassian, I got word to Kepler when I freed myself and she got a friend to cloud the memories." Tears began to fall from Aylin's eyes as her heart began to sink. "Give the memories back to me Aylin, you can do that give them back to me." Cassian demanded with his own tears running down his face. Aylin then looked up from her hands. "No Cassian, I-I don't want you to go through that pain, its is too painful." Aylin spoke through gritted teeth holding her ground. Aylin then walked away into another part of the cave and locked her door. Everyone now looked at Cassian knowing who he really was, each of them knowing Aylin was trying to keep him safe. But not wanting to take on for an answer Cassian began to thump on the door. "Aylin let me in, give me my memories, I need them!" He bellowed, the other three siblings had never seen him this mad before and it made them uncomfortable. But nevertheless they had to do something. "Cassian you need to stop and think about this." Heaved Soren as he peeled Cassian from the door. 

Hours passed and Cassian was still mad, but he had finally calmed down enough that Aylin could walk out of the room and sit by the fire a meter away from Cassian. "You have to realise I am doing this because I took my own memories and I can't have that happen to you." Aylin cried looking in directly in the eye. Cassian then looked don at the floor with a stern look on his face, then back at Aylin thinking about what Aylin had gone through all these years. He then nodded in acceptance. "Yeah, I know Ay, I am sorry I love you please forgive me?" Aylin agreed as they both collided in a hug, Cassian the raised her chin and kissed her forehead in apologies. Benedict then interjected. "I think its about time we all get to bed, its been a eventful day?" Aylin the smiled and once again held Cassian's hand; then continuing to show them where they would be sleeping. I know its bunk beds but its all I can fit around here. Aylin left them all to get comfortable as she went back into her living room. 

Cassian could tell she was a little deflated and that things weighed heavy on her, Cassian felt awful for getting angary at her. In those moments he realised that Aylin had his best interests at heart. As he peered around the corner to see her in deep thought and crying to herself, he became weak. "Aylin, wanna talk about it?" 

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