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"I still don't understand. What are you? Why are you in a werewolf's apartment?" Ellaria scowled as nothing made sense to her. Aylin then looked at Connor as he gave a smirk and nodded to her. "I am everything; I have connections in every major pack or clan in the world," Aylin explained as her eyes turned golden in front of her siblings and new friend's eyes. In fear, each of them drew their swords, showing Aylin exactly how they had been conditioned to fight anything demonic. She could tell they were conflicted by the sight of Aylin knowing she was their sister. She then looked at Connor, knowing the real way that her siblings kind of saw the half-world people. Aylin then changed back into an angel, looking at her siblings stood with weapons. "Now-there you go. you will never see me as your sister." And with those words, she left. A tear rolled down her eye as she used telepathy, telling Connor to show them out. Leaving her siblings and a new friend feeling lost and empty. As if they had lost and found a gem within five minutes.

After a few minutes of trying to convince Aylin to let them back in, the four now left on the street left. Aylin watched them go from Connors's window. "They finally left." She started, walking over to the warn brown leather sofa. "I knew they had been conditioned, but I didn't realise how severely." Connor then looked at her with tired eyes and made his way beside her. He then wrapped his arm around her. As he could see Aylin continually thinking. "Well, I now know what position I am in." Connor looked at Aylin with a confused frown. "I have to give myself up." Connor looked at her with panic. "Wait, no, May, you can't do that. y-you haven't even tried camouflage yet!" He yelled with anger and sorrow all at once. Aylin sighed, holding on to his hands and looking in his eyes. "I know, but I am only trying to prevent the destruction of your world, my world as well now?" Connor desperately searched in his eyes for some glimmer of hope.

"No, please, May, dye your hair, cut it short for all I care. Just roll over and give yourself to Baze; if that doesn't work, the wolves and I will fight if the day comes. Just please stay with me, please, May!" He yelled in heart brake, adamant for her to not fall into the hands of Baze again. Aylin, with nothing left to lose, agreed to stay. "I will have to pick a half-life, and I will have to be like a normal kid. Going to school or a job, whichever one I fit into?" Aylin responded, caving into Connors's plea.

The new morning came around quickly; by morning, Aylin had thought and hatched her new plan to hide from Baze. Connor woke up to the scent of chemical residue left in his bathroom. He continued to walk into his apartment's kitchen to find a petite girl with golden mid-length wavy hair. "Aylin?" He smiled at the loss of words. As she turned around to Connor, who still had bed hair and a sleepy look on his face. "Morning, Connor, I took the liberty of buying us some coffee and breakfast with my last bit of money I had," Aylin spoke cheerfully as she gestured to it. "I Like your hair, by the way, May." Connor acknowledged walking over to the bagel and beginning to eat. "Ah yes, I thought I would start to try and change a little; I am not sure it will work though, you can't bury your past that easily?" Aylin replied with pity in her voice as she twirled her hair around her finger.

"Well, Maya, it's a good job because I have a job for you to attend?" Conner spoke with his mouth half full. Aylin raised an eyebrow in confusion.

A Week passed, while Aylin and Connor were working out a plan, on the other side of the City, the four teens continued to argue. "No, but she is our sister; she was made this way. It's not her fault!" Exclaimed Ellaria. "I know, but you saw here she can change in a second; how do we know she isn't going to lose control?" Soren retaliated in anger and caution. As they fought, Cassian sat back and let them argue, knowing clear in his mind what he thought about it. When he had enough of watching the tennis going on in front of him. He simply interjected with his own statement, "She has been in heaven, correct!" Cassian bellowed, getting the three's attention as he stood with folded arms and a frown in a dominating stance. "Yes, what does that have to do with anything?" Archer enquired, now leaning against a table. Cassian rolled his eyes, knowing that they had unclear minds. "You have all really forgotten your basic training!" Cassian scolded, "She been living there for years; she has learnt to control her darker side. Aylin means moon halo, or in better teams one that belongs to the moon; I believe Aylin is good." Cassian insisted, looking at each of them. "But that doesn't explain Galileo's hatred or Kepler's, for that matter?" Ellaria announced, knowing in her heart Cassian was write.

"No, it doesn't, but like she said, Aylin had lived many lives in heaven, whereas we have had only one. I believe she is wiser beyond her years, and maybe she hasn't always been perfect, but she is your sister?" Cassian insisted as the three of them paused in thought. Ellaria then looked at her brothers with wavering eyes. "Cassian is right; Aylin never asked for any of it." But as she said that, Galileo walked into the room with four guards following them. This was something they hadn't anticipated. "Leo, what is this?" Ellaria stated, perplexed by his presence gradian. "Lock them in the cells!"

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