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"Your sword." He suddenly heard around him in a quiet voice. As then from nowhere Aylin snatched his sword out of his grasp and stabbed the henchman behind Cassian. So close to him that he almost thought it was him being implied. "Sorry that took a while." Aylin sighed knowing she had her powers back. Cassian now helping her up, but once he did Aylin gave him a smirk. Before Cassian knew it he was being kissed passionately by Aylin. "I have to go and save the galaxy's now." She smiled looking at him with doe crystal eyes, that were changing to a wolf eyes as he spoke. Cassian still in amazement then got his head back inn the game and began to slay each henchmen with ease. 

Little did either know, but a heart got broken on the battle field that day, Connor saw both of them kiss in those few seconds. But like every battle this was going to cost, Aylin still in human form was thrown her seeking stone, by Archer who was in a fight with a demon at the time. "Thanks!" She yelled 

"No problem, I am just glad to see your alive?" Archer spoke with a strained voice as he fought the demon. "Well, you know me, nothing seems to keep me dead for long." Aylin chuckled as she welded her double edged sward. Killing a demon in one swipe, giving her clear view of Baze. Her eyes filled with anger, she then began to storm at him. jumping over a broken statue and weeding her sward. Finally coming into contact with his blade. They both began to battle, both knowing it was a fight to the death, but as Aylin from the corner of her eye could see Cassian needing assistance it caught her of guard, giving leeway to Baze, slicing her arm. In retaliation Aylin kicked him in the chest, sending him flying as her eyes turned red and it gave her enough time to save Cassian and Connor who was trying to help. By slicing the throats of three henchmen.

Aylin the ran back to face Baze once again, dodging, sliding and jumping over obstacles. "I will kill you Baze and I will save the world !" Aylin yelled angered by Baze's hate for humans. "No, you won't Aylin!" Then right upfront of her Baze knowing her had no where to run, took his sward threw it on the ground and jumped off the building into the river below. Suddenly everyone stopped, the demons faded into dust; leaving all that Aylin loved safe, bloody and bruised but alive and right now that's all she cared about. They all ran into the centre for the courtyard embracing each other in relief. "Where is Connor!" Aylin's eyes widened in a flustered panic as everyone looked around the place. "He's over here!" Tobias beckoned as everyone ran towards him in urgency.

When they arrived they saw blood and  a barely alive Connor breathing heavily. "Hey, hey its ok Connor, I have you, you will be back to health as soon as I can. Benedict, I need your help please!" Aylin asked of her dear friend as he began to kneel down. "No, I don't want your help!" He Snapped through pain gritted teeth. "Connor, you are bleeding i need to do something!" Aylin exclaimed with tears in her eyes and his blood on her hands as she tried to stopped the bleeding. "I am not what you want Aylin, you need to let me die!" Connor panted as he then blacked out. "I am not listening to him, Benedict we are doing this!"  Aylin stated as she wiped the tears from her eyes and began to focused. "Everyone please step back, this is not fairy magic this is warlock magic!" Benedict explained as both his and Aylin's eyes turned green. And their fingers held a blue smoke. Each chanting something from a foreign world.

Minuets passed and the pair had finished with the healing spell. While they still could Aylin then portaled everyone one to an unknown location. The place was full of rolling hills and a fog sat on top of the ones in a distance, life a safety blanket hiding them in plane sight. "Aylin, where have you taken us?" Soren questioned spinning around looking at the views. Silvia then looked at Aylin in question, the pair only giving each other looks and finally a sigh came from Silvia. "We are in Kinspring. Its like a safe house, but instead of a house its a world." Silvia then took the Knights to gather some food and other essential items. While Aylin attended to Connors wounds, her siblings watching on as they had grown to like Connor in recent months. "Will he live Aylin?" Ellaria questioned with apprehension. "Yeah, I just put him under a heavy spell, that's why he looks so still." Aylin spoke quietly as she then looked passed her to see Cassian pacing around with a pout on in thought. He then noticed Aylin looking at him from the corner of his eye, "Hey, Ellaria, look after Connor for a minuet, I need to do something." Ellaria then nodded as she tied up her hair in a messy ponytail and sat there with Connor. 

"You know I am always here right, if you wanna talk about it?" Aylin spoke softly as she nudged Cassian's arm, and walking to the edge of the cliff where he stood. Cassian gave back a thoughtful smirk and looked down at Aylin with his crystal blue eyes. "I meant it you know," Cassian paused Aylin waiting for his clarification. As he sighed and flared his nostrils in stress. "When I said all those things; when, when I kissed you. I meant every part." 

"I know you did Cassian, why did you think I returned my affections in the same manner?" Aylin chuckled looking up at him with her beautiful doe eyes, suddenly the pair found themselves falling back into another kiss, this time with Cassian warping his arms around her waist and Aylin's hand gently caressing his face. 

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