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I keep on thinking about this story for a couple years now and I've finally decided to put all the ideas in words.Hope you'll enjoy this story!

Copyright © 2015 by sheharzaad

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

All the characters in this book have no existence whatsover outside the imagination of the author,and have no relation to anyone having the same name or names.They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author,and all the incidents are merely creative fictional invention of the author.

photo credits:google


Her eyes grew wide in shock,pain and horror.Her skin and face turned ghastly white.Blood is flowing endlessly from her head into her lovely face.Suddenly,she felt a burning sensation in her head and body.The searing pain and swirling blackness is slowly engulfing her.She felt a pair of strong arms caught her body before she lost her consciousness.

He caught the limp thin body before it hit the concrete pavement.He carried her and deposited her gently into the front seat of a shiny blue Lambhorgini Aventador.

Few seconds after,the engine hummed and roared beautifully and the tires screeched as he drove furiously.

He doesn't want to waste a single precious second or he would be damned!His heart is beating wildly and got stucked in his throat.His mind conjured the greatest fear he knew.He doesn't want to lose her.Panic gripped his heart.

Oh god,don't let her die!

He drove furiously uncaring to honking horns and ugly words being thrown to him.

Within few minutes,he reached the hospital.He carried the unconscious bloody woman and shouted at the nurse.The nurses took the body from him and placed it to a rolling bed and took her to the emergency room.

He paced back and forth while holding his forehead.

What the hell happened to her?he mused silently.He is one hundred percent sure his brand new luxury car didn't hit her body.He sighed.He cannot just leave her like that.He needs to know what happened to her!

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