Chapter 39 The Finale Part 2

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Sorry guys I thought I can squeeze all in one chapter for the last chapter but I've come up with a better ending.Thanks to all of your support!I heart you all!

The doctors instructed her to push one last time but she felt something.

She felt the overwhelming magnetic pull of death once again.

How can this be?I can't die!No!she screamed but she did not hear her voice.

It feels like she is drowning so fast in the black sea of death called River Styx and a powerful force is sucking up her energy and her life.

No!I cannot die!Oh god please don't take me yet.Please I am begging you.

She felt so weak to fight the black hole of death.It is too powerful but she tried to fight but the powerful magnetic force is draining all her energy.She saw a blinding light and that light is beckoning her.

Her heartbeat and blood pressure dropped.The doctors couldn't understand why.Everything happened so fast.Her doctors doesn't know what to do.She is healthy but her heartbeat is continuously dropping.She was smiling when the nurses took her inside the delivery room but everything changed when the baby is about one centimeter and the water broke.

Rex saw the fear in her doctors' eyes.He hired the best of the best six doctors with different fields of specialization just to ensure her safety but now it seems they couldn't ensure her safe delivery.He spent millions of dollars to make this island hospital the best and the most high tech hospital but why is he seeing the fear on her doctor's eyes.

"Doc what's happening?"he asked loudly.

"Her condition is critical.Her blood pressure,sugar level and heart rate continuously dropped and we couldn't understand why.I am sorry Mr.Van Dyken but we can only save one of them.You have to choose either the baby or your wife,"the doctor replied with the beads of sweat rolling down his face.

Rex is shaken to the very core of his system.He couldn't move.His brain stopped functioning and his senses shut off.

Tension filled the delivery room.Esmeralda,Damaris and Riley started to sob.

"What?!I can't choose because I love them both!"he yelled.

"Mr.Dyken  we  can feel you and we totally understand your point but every second counts.We have to choose."the doctor shouted back to reiterate the urgency of the situation.

Rex felt his father and his family's hug.

"Son you have to decide now,"Alejandro urged his son.

Rex clenched his teeth and sighed.

"Then save my wife!"he muttered through clenched teeth.

He grabbed his son Riley and went out of the delivery room.His son Riley is sobbing in his shoulders.He wanted to be strong but he needed to cry.He sat in the hospital's chapel sobbing while hugging his son tightly.Suddenly his son Riley stopped crying and wiped his tears.

"Daddy let's pray for Mommy and my baby sister,"Riley calmly requested.

He looked like an angel.

At that very moment,he knew what to do.

God reminded him that even with all his money,love and power he  could lose everything in a split of second.Perhaps,this is a test.

If this is a test God then I will take it and thank you for believing in my strength.Please don't take them away from me.Take me if you will but not them.

He prayed wholeheartedly.

He opened his eyes and saw his son praying silently.

He would give up all his wealth just to save his wife and his daughter.

His son Riley held his face and told him.

"I heard him.He answered our prayers.Let's go Daddy,"his son took his son and guided him back to the delivery room.Riley inherited his mother's inner strength and the calmness even in the midst of emotional turmoil.

Kayleigh saw the flashes of memories of her life.

She saw her family laughing while eating on her tenth birthday.

She saw her twin Kayla greeted her happy birthday.

She saw her parents kissing.

She saw Kayla laughing.

She saw Rex looking at her with all the loving gaze on their wedding day.

She saw Rex proposing to her and Rex saying her name.

She saw Rex smiling right after they visited the rehab and Rex smiling everytime they will do the stargazing.

She saw Riley right after she had given birth.

She saw Riley taking his first and saying his first wood Mama and touching her face.

She felt something warm and her energy skyrocketed.She knew it is her overflowing love for her family.

She fought repeatedly not to give in to the powerful black hole until she felt like she resurfaced from the murky bottom of Deathly River Styx.

Her heartbeat plummeted.Her blood sugar,temperature and all the vital signs soared high until it became normal.

The doctors couldn't understand why but they were so happy.After all,losing either the wife and the daughter of the richest man on Earth would mean the end of their career although they knew he is good and understanding.

Rex is pacing back and forth outside the delivery room when one of the doctors came out.

"Mr.Van Dyken your wife came back.All her vital signs are now stable and we have to do the caesarian now."

He was surprised to the very core of his heart.He just nodded and rushed inside the delivery room.He couldn't express his relief and happiness.

His entire family hugged each other and laughed.

Riley jumped and clapped his hands excitedly.

He followed his father.

Everyone followed the father and son inside the delivery room.

It took them half an hour to do the caesarian.

After forty-five minutes,the nurses handed a big beautiful blue eyed baby girl to Rex.

He took the baby and the baby smiled to him.His heart soared up high with so much love and happiness.

Riley shrieked with so much excitement and happiness.

Everyone laughed.They were mesmerized by the beauty of the baby girl.

It is as sure as the sun is shining that she will grow up a beauty queen.

Rex took Kayleigh's hand and kissed it.

He knew she's still unconscious but he knew she can hear him.

"Our daughter is so lovely.Take rest my love and you'll see her once you'll open your eyes."he muttered.

Her fingers twitched and slowly she open her eyes.She smiled weakly.

Rex kissed her cheeks and presented their baby.

She touched her weakly and their baby girl smiled.

She looks like a quiet lovely angel.

She needs to feed her daughter.Rex put the baby beside his wife and watched with awe and fascination as his wife feed their daughter.

Everyone giggled when Riley held the hand of his sister and exclaimed.

"Hello  pretty baby sister!Can we play after that?"

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