Chapter 24 The Beast in Distress

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Seven hours.

Ten minutes.

Fifteen seconds.

He kept on taking a glimpse on his wristwatch.He kept on counting the time while he paces back and forth outside the emergency room.He clasped his hands and massaged his throbbing head while his family were sitting on the chairs outside the emergency room.


He cursed.

What made her crack up like that?!He asked himself for the millionth time.

He was talking to his trusted people when she came out from the room and ran away from him.

Probably,it is the right time to know who's behind all her nightmares.

He did not took time to investigate all about her tragedies because he accepted her for what she is and instead of focusing on blaming the other people he concentrated on helping her to heal.

He changed his mind.

He will help her to heal by making the bastards who ruined her pay all their crimes!

He dialed a number from his phone.A baritone voice answered the call.

"It's been a long time,boss,since the last time you called and I thought you would never call me."

"Let's stop the pleasantries Tom.I need your help.Know all the information about Kayleigh Sanders and the bastards who raped her and I need it ASAP.I need you to deliver it personally and you'll get your bonus,"Rex ordered like a king.

"Got it,boss.I'll deliver it before your wedding day,"Tom replied.

"Thanks,"Rex uttered and ended the call.

Tom was surprised.He has been working for Rex for ten years as his private investigator but he never said thank you.Is he becoming a human?Oh well,love certainly changed Rex from a heartless beast to a compassionate man.

Rex took a deep breath.He tried to brush off all the dark clouds of fear and dread running on his mind.

Esmeralda stood up and approached him.They are worried with Rex acting like this.He never ate,drink and he never talk.He looked wasted with his tshirt soaked with blood,sweat and dirt.His face is covered with stubbles and fear is written all over his face.

"Rex son calm down.Kayleigh is a strong woman and she will survive.Believe in her strength and pray for her,"Esmeralda hugged him.Rex nodded.

Alejandro,Alistair and Damaris stood up and hugged him.He guided Rex to the chair and gave him water and sandwich.

He ate the sandwich and drank the water but his mind is flying somewhere.He looked up to his family.

"I'll marry her once she will regain her consciousness.I can't lose her.I can't lose our baby.I'll die,mom dad,"his voice broke and tears formed in his eyes.He felt like a helpless child seeking comfort from his family.

"Be strong,son,we will make that dream wedding of yours to happen but for now you have to be strong for her and your baby,"Alejandro consoled him.They hugged tightly when the doctor went out from the emergency room.They all rushed to the doctor.

"How is she doc?"

"She's stable now.I've never seen a patient like her.She kept on fluttering her eyelids as if she's fighting furiously for her life.For some reason,she healed herself.All her vital signs are now stable.Give it a day or two and she will recover.Excuse me,"the doctor announced the good news to them.

Rex rushed in dressing up the hospital gown and run to her bed.He took a deep breath before talking.He stroke her angelic face.He held her hand,cried silently and whispered,

"Hey baby thank you for fighting and holding on.I've been worried about you and our baby.You know that I'll die without you.Can you please tell me who caused all your pain?I swear I will make them pay.I know you are kind but you deserve their apology.We will make them beg for your forgiveness because I can't stand seeing you like this...We'll get married once you regain your health.I love you so much."

Nothing.She did not reply.

Needing to feel the closeness to her,he repeatedly kissed her pale cold hands until he felt the warmth of her hands.

Hoping she heard his words,he continued.

"Wake up,Kayleigh because I need you and our child more than I need anything.I need to see you and be with you."

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