Chapter 37 Forgiveness

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Her hands are sweating profusely.She kept on fidgeting on her seat.Rex took her hands and he held it tightly.He kissed it.He smiled.She smiled back at him.

"Are you sure about this baby?"he asked.

"Yes,"she answered full of certainty.

She needs to face her worst ghost.This ghost of seeing her abductors has been haunting her for years now.It must end!It has to end!

Today I will end it!I will never crack up in front of them!she vowed.

Today she will confront her greatest fear and greatest nightmare.No matter what will happen she has to be strong!

She needs to confront her greatest fear.

She has to face her abductors and forgive them.

She has to forgive.She will forgive them.

Rex has been driving for an hour now.He decided to bring Kayleigh in an unknown sprawling thirty thousand mile private island through his business jet where he built the high end and the most expensive rehab center in the world.He had it built for his friends but clients keep on coming in and the center started to make it commercialized.It is isolated and designed to change the lives of the alcoholics,drug addicts and anyone who wanted a retreat.

It's location is never to be disclosed to the client.The client will be fetched by a chartered plane.It has different programs to address each addiction and obsession.Each client will undergo personalized diet,personalized health,meditation and other activities.The center is called The Retreat.Each client will be banned from all forms of media.The Retreat has the best doctors,nutritionist and instructors.The retreat will drain first of the chemical toxins in each client.The center made sure that each client will only get the best nutrition for their body,heart and mind.Rex was the center's first patient.He tried it for three months without letting the people know.He was more than pleased with the center's service.Each client will never feel that they are in a rehab but in a holiday retreat.

Rex discussed it with his loyal friends for hours and convinced them to do it.He believed forgiveness and great concern is what his friends needed.It's been more than a year since all his sixteen friends entered the center.

Rex parked his car inside the building.

Kayleigh was impressed with the building.It looks a big tropical vacation hotel.It is surrounded by an azure water and lush vegetation.It's color reflect the azure ocean waters.

Rex told her about this retreat and facility he built for his friends.She knew Rex is the first client of the rehab center.She is impressed with her husband's generosity but the idea and how he run his companies.She knew their son had all the gifts and talents of his father but she will make sure that Riley will not become a brute.

Her thoughts was interrupted when Rex took her hand and they entered a large hall.The hall itself is bursting with tropical summer blue and green colors from the furnishing,color of the paint wall,painting and even with the decorations.

Her heart beats so loud and fast.She is nervous and the feeling that everything is constricting creeps up in her veins but she steadied herself.She whispered a short prayer and sighed.She held her husband's hand tightly and entered the room.

She felt like facing Satan in hell.

The air became dry and constricting.

Flashes of gory and bitter memories starts to play on her mind.

Her skin burning,blood flowing and her entire body felt sore...maniacal devilish laughters assaulted her sense of hearing...her skin felt numb when she felt the bullet entered her body...

She would have shrieked,screamed and ran away but that was before.She chooses to walk forward with calmness even though her mind and heart is in great turmoil with all bitter memories and pain.

Sitting around a large circular  table are her abductors.

Rex held his breath the moment Kayleigh entered the room.

He was flabbergasted.His wife posessed a supernatural inner strength.He knew what's going on inside her head and heart but she controlled and even translated all the negative emotions to positive emotions like calmness and forgiveness.

His sixteen friends looked up to them and fidgeted.

Kayleigh looked at their eyes one by one.She felt like looking through the eyes of demons but she knew even demons needs forgiveness.She can sense their nervousness and anxiety.

She remained standing and spoke.

"I forgive you all."

She cannot breathe but she felt a powerful surge of compassion and forgiveness in her entire body.

All the sixteen people around the table are surprised of her declaration.

She was about to walk away when one of them spoke.

"We were sorry for what we've done.We never expected that you'll forgive us but you did and for that thank you.We would protect you with our lives Kayleigh.Thank you."

She was moved.

"Who am I not to forgive you?We all deserve forgiveness and new chances.You don't have to protect me just because I have forgiven you.Peace be with you all."she replied and went out of the room.

She felt like the gate of Heaven has opened and the angels are singing.

Relief washed away all her fears as tears streamed down her face.

She walked outside and sat in one of the chair near the white sand beach.

She took off her shoes and let the coarse fine grain of the sand and the water washes her feet.

It felt exhilarating to forgive.She felt like all the heavy chains has been thrown away.She is finally free from her greatest fear.

Rex knew she could only take so much and so she went out to breathe.He could have followed her and consoled her but he did not because he knew she needed to be alone.

His friends cried.They all cried.He knew even thugs and beasts cried.They were moved by her forgiveness.He knew they are free from their nightmares.He remembered a dying monk told him once:One kind,compassionate word or gesture can change people's lives.He hugged all his friends,greeted them shortly and bid goodbye to them.

He searched for her and found her standing on the shore staring blankly at the blue vast expanse of the ocean smiling.

He took off his shoes and joined her.He took her hand and kissed it.They strolled silently with their hands clasped and smiles lingering on their lips.

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