Chapter 16 Tropical Island Treat

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This chapter is all about the last set of tropical adventures of Rex and Kayleigh with melodrama and the cruel joke of Fate lurking and hovering around them!Enjoy!

He could not remember when was the last time he enjoyed a woman's company.He had never been so happy.It's been a long time since he laughed heartily.The way he talked and walked is so carefree and light.He felt so good that he thought he is floating.

Long time ago he thought loving Mia gave him the deepest and purest form of happiness but he was wrong.All his feelings for Mia were shallow compared to what he feels for Kayleigh.He was hurt when Mia betrayed her but he recovered.He would never be able to recover if he will loose Kayleigh.He was never so sure of a certain thing except that he only wanted Kayleigh to be with him until the last day of his life.He felt this deep and profound certainty that no matter what will happen he will do everything in his power to make her stay beside him.He will change his ways and she can glare and shout at him all the time just as long as he knew she loves him.He can stay at home or give up his wealth if that what it takes for her stay.He will court her everyday.He will always find a way to make her happy even in the smallest things.He would give everything to her just as long as he will stay beside him.

He never felt so energetic and enthusiastic before.He jumped,leap and sprinted.He lifted her dozens of times and twirled her but the overpowering and overwhelming energy seems to increase every passing second he sees her!He swam in the clear blue water with the fishes and with Kayleigh.He gave her a piggy back ride while they run in the water.He snorkeled tirelessly with Kayleigh.He picked some wild flowers and put it on her ear.He kept on kissing her and hugging her.Her smile told him that his energy is contagious.He carried her bride style while they strolled down the island.He tried to catch a fish using his bare hands.He built sandcastles and wrote a mile long I LOVE YOU KAYLEIGH on the white sand.He even climbed the coconut tree the way Tarzan would do!He has this childlike abandon that she love to watch!His face lights up everytime their eyes meet!He was so carefree,childlike,caring,romantic,energetic and enthusiastic!He has captivated her heart and she is falling for him deeper and deeper everyday!She kept on staring and laughing at him.Her tears formed in her eyes because of too much happiness.Seeing her overflowing happiness made him fly.She commented that he is possessed.Indeed he is possessed by the world's most powerful force called LOVE!

He thought it's a good thing,he paid a world famous photographer and cameramen to capture every moment of their escapades.He asked them to hide the camera so Kayleigh will not feel uncomfortable.He wanted them to enjoy their day!He knew somewhere in this island the cameramen and photographer flicked and snapped their high-tech cameras to capture their private moments.He paid a king's ransom for it because he made them signed a contract that if all photos will be released without their permission they will pay him millions of dollars aside from the fact that they have to hide!He wanted to give her a cd of their escapades as a wedding gift.He didn't mind the price because he knew precious memories are priceless!

He felt he possessed all the energy in the universe everytime he is with Kayleigh.The world seems so full of beautiful colors,shapes,sights and sounds!All the colors seems so vivid and every details are magnified.Everything seems to be in zoom in mode!Funny it may seem but for the first time in his life he saw things in different perspective!He can see the beauty in everything even in the ugliest memories and darkest fears he has been hiding.

He can see the beauty in every contradiction and irony!He can see the harmony in chaos.He can see the strength in Kayleigh's weakness.He can see the overflowing love inside her heart even in her most indifferent gesture.He felt inside his heart that all the hours spent in his lifetime has been a preparation for this season!He knew every experience paved the way to this golden road of love!He felt every puzzle is coming together with Kayleigh!The way their hearts and soul are intertwined and the way they understood each other even without talking made his heart swell!Weird but he can see the purpose of his life.To share all the love and blessing he has!

He knew it is only through love that a brute be tamed and transformed into a SUPERHUMAN.

He thought all the creative,beautiful,compassionate and enlightening ideas flooded his mind!

She run with Rex tailing and they both collapsed into sand!He tickled her sides and they keep on laughing until their belly were aching and tears flowing on their cheeks!He wiped her tears and playfully winked at her.She winked back at him and giggled.He looked at her intensely that she thought she would melt.

"Kayleigh baby I promise I will do everything to make you happy.We will fill our life with happy moments.I love you so much!Thank you for taming me.The brute within me has fallen and what you are seeing now is the good-natured,playful,charming,romantic and sweet boy that I used to be!Thank you because it felt so good to be like this!It felt so good to be with you!"he confessed and kissed her cheeks.

She did not expect his declaration.A lovely smile cracked on her lips as tears rolled down on her cheeks!

Step 5 accomplished!The brute has fallen!Rejoice Kayleigh!Rejoice!

The voice of the wicked witch inside her echoed inside her head.

She should be happy but why does her heart bleed?

Can she really ruin him on their wedding day?

Yes!You can!You should!The voice of the wicked witch screamed inside her.

Have you forgotten all his diabolical acts?Have you forgotten that he killed your family?Have you forgotten that you were kidnapped,raped,tortured,shot and you nearly died because of him?!Have you forgotten that?!Have you?!!!

The wicked witch has once again reminded her of her miseries and the tragedy of her family.

She blinked away the tears and all the evil thoughts.She doesn't want to cling to her past.She has forgiven him but everytime she saw him it reminded of her pain.It is so easy to forgive but it is hard to forget all the pain he had caused her!She will have to keep on choosing to forgive and forget everyday!She sighed and looked into the very core of his soul.

"Rex I think it would be best that we will get to know each other first before we will get married.It's not that I don't want us to get married but I think we should take things one step at a time.We haven't reached one month yet we are getting married.Are you sure of marrying me?"

"I have never been so sure baby.It doesn't matter how long we've been together because I felt I've known you my whole life!What matters most is our decision and determination to keep each other and to love each other no matter what will happen.Are you having second thoughts of marrying me?"he asked with the pain shining in his eyes.

"No Rex!You know I love you but I am scared..."she confessed.

He framed her face using his hands and peered directly to her tormented soul.

"Shhh you don't have to be scared.Everything will be alright.I will not hurt you."he gently said,draped his shoulder around hers and hugged her.The loving way he looked at her and the way he kissed or draped his shoulders around hers made her heart explode with her explode with love.Her heart is overflowing with love but the remnant of her miseries and fears resurfaced and started to pierce her heart.

I am scared of myself Rex!I am scared of the day that I will ruin you.I am scared of the day that I will lose control and the wicked witch within me will take control of me!I am scared because I have conquered and tamed the beast within you but the beast within me has risen!I am afraid of the day that I will loose the goodness in my heart because of you.I am afraid that I have become the beast that you used to be!I am scared of the day that I will ruin you Rex and that you will never be able to recover!Her mind screamed but she lost her voice.

You have read one more chapter of this book and thank you so much for that!

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