Chapter 35 The Honeymoon

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dedicated to crystalbee101

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Seeing all your votes and comments made it all worthy for sleep deprivation,of getting insomnia and of writing in ungodly hours so please vote and comment because it means a lot to me.

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This is a special chapter because I will write Rex and Kayleigh's POV.This is a long chapter so I'll make it two chapters.Since this story is about to end,I decided to treat you amazing readers!

Rex's POV

Rex unconsciously blinked his eyes against the bright,warm morning sunshine gently hitting his face.The moment he opened his eyes,he smiled sweetly.He yawned,stretched his body and snuggled closer to Kayleigh.He put her head on his shoulder but she changed her sleeping position.He smiled and hugged her body.He lazily blinked his once again and sat up on the plush Victorian four-poster wooden bed.

He looked at her and smiled.

She looked exhausted but exceedingly beautiful.She is naked under the white duvet.

His eyes drank in all her lovely features and every glorious inch of her body.

He wouldn't get tired of looking at her and exploring her body.

She looked perfect.

He touched her cheeks and stared outside the window.

Everything looked amazing and peaceful.

He felt peaceful,blessed and perfectly happy.

He knew they had to start their honeymoon here in Maldives.After all,it is a paradise.A haven.

They're back in Maldives but this time they will explore the world with his super yacht and submarine.

Kayleigh had read somewhere that there is a place in Maldives where bacteria will glow at night like stars and she wanted to see that.

He eagerly granted his wife's wish not only because he loved her but he is also curious of this rare 'bioluminescence' phenomenon.

Last night,he declared his love for her repeatedly while they strolled and watched the glowing bacteria mirroring the glowing stars and their eyes glowing with eternal love and pure happiness.

He had seen the starburst when he saw her smiling and with that dreamy look.

Everything last night was perfect and breathtaking.The glowing blue glowing bacteria along with the sprawling stars and silvery moon was splendid.It is truly breathtaking and unforgettable.But it is her smile and the overflowing love in her eyes that truly fascinated him.She looked like an immortal goddess.He fell for her over and over again as they made love the whole night.

He could not contain his happiness when Kayleigh had shook him at 3 am so they could make love on the beach under the moonlight.He eagerly granted her request.His wife is truly amazing.

Yesterday,their wedding day,was one of the happiest day of his life.Their wedding was magical and perfect.He spent millions for it but it was more than worth it.The venue,the wedding ceremony,their vows,their reception and their one year honeymoon is simply magical.Their garden wedding is simple but solemn.The reception theme was Disney-inspired Beauty and the Beast and even her gown,the cake and the decorations.It was a concert and a pool party.

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