Chapter 23 Lucius

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Kayleigh saw flashes of her childhood and her family.She saw his father telling her about his father's rise and fall in the business world.

Life has never been easy for Kayleigh and her family.Her parents both came from dirt poor family but has high IQ.Her father is a self-made man.He had two odd jobs while studying and his only capital was his brilliant ideas.After graduation,no one believe in Lucius for two years until one day he got an interview where he was given the chance to explain all his ideas.Right at that moment,he was hired as a consultant of a filthy rich businessman.Lucius didn't know that he was hired by the second wealthiest man on Earth.He was hired by Leandro Meissner.All of Lucius ideas were paid at high cost.Lucius decided to marry his childhood sweetheart Maria.Leandro and Lucius became bestfriends.

Leandro happens to be the fiercest rival of Alejandro Van Dyken.Alejandro tried his best to pirate Lucius because he knew he has brilliant ideas making Leandro as the new king of businessmen across the globe but Lucius stayed with Leandro through thick and thin.Leandro had given Lucius a capital to start his own business.Leandro knew Lucius will be very wealthy if given a chance and the business flourished.Leandro didn't mind that Lucius built his own consulting firm.Alejandro Van Dyken did everything to win Lucius' trust and respect until one day Alejandro saved the life of her father.After years of rivalry,Alejandro Van Dyken and Leandro Meissner became friends.Lucius,Alejandro and Leandro became bestfriends.Until one day,the three businessmen got into a heated fight.Alejandro's daughter got lost and he accused Lucius and Leandro of conspiracy.From that moment,the three of them had separate lives.They became enemies and strangers to each other.

His father's worldwide consulting firm has been earning awards and high-calibered client until Rex decided to put up all a consulting firm and pirated all their clients.To top it all,he established his consulting firm in front of his father's firm.Lucius knew that Alejandro has got nothing to do with it.Rex was simply cold-hearted and wanted to his ways no matter what it cost.He didn't care if thousands of people will lost their job.He did not care that his father's family business has been founded by blood and sweat of her father.Rex blackmailed his father to sell his company and his father had no choice but to give in.

According to his father,selling his consulting firm to Rex ruined their lives.It took the lives of her family.She nearly died because of it.

She wanted to confront Rex but she couldn't because she knew it could mean goodbye.She thought that being alone and depressed was the worst thing she could experience but she knew saying goodbye to Rex would be the most difficult thing to do.She would miss his steady breathing,his comforting presence,his familiar warmth,his dreamy gaze and his breathtaking smile.She had learned to love him.She loved him so much that he became her life force and anchor.She needed him like she needed water,air and sun.She knew living her life without him is like being dead...but she has to face the truth.She had to confront Rex and tell him the truth once for all not to get even but to get off all the hurts she's been carrying for more than a month.She knew she wouldn't be able to forgive him until she will confront Rex.

She felt thousands of dots of blackness sucking up her consciousness but she knew she could not succumb to death not until she has completely forgiven him.She needed his explanation if not the apology and nothing can stop her not even Death itself.She mustered all the energy and fought hard not to give in to the overwhelming blackhole that keeps on hovering around her.

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