Chapter 38 The Finale Part 1

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Kayleigh,Rex and Riley are lying on their bed looking up at the sky blanketed with numerous stars.They are giggling and laughing.They're picture-perfect happy family.

Kayleigh smiled when she remembered Rex insisted they will have their roof retractable so that they will do the stargazing at night.She teased him that it is a crazy idea but she agreed and for three years now they've been doing the stargazing every night.

It was one of their family past time.

She and her husband Rex would read a story to Riley and talk to him about anything and everything.They would lie down and looks up at the magnificent night sky until the three of them will fall asleep.The roof would automatically assemble all the roof covering because it has an installed robotic breathing pattern scanner,thermal scanner and visual scanner to determine if they are fully asleep.

They've been married for three long years now.Three years full of surprises,fun,happiness and adventure.They agreed for the one year honeymoon world tour but looks like their world tour would take a lifetime.

Everyday is a new adventure for their marriage.They always tried to do their best to make each other's smile.They tried to nurture their love and be the most loving parents they could ever be.

Their marriage has its ups and downs.They had misunderstandings.They quarrel over petty things but at the end of the day they both decided to make up and kissed.They never showed it to Riley.They would always patch up their differences early in the morning.They are lovers,bestfriends and partners.For both of them,it is a process of choosing to be with each other everyday.

Every weekend the entire Van Dyken family visits their high-tech palatial house.They would have their picnic and long hours of chitchat.They would make Riley sing,dance,play instruments or recite a poem.Alistair and Rex would end up laughing because Riley is a combination of their clashing personalities.

Riley is now six years old and he is growing up healthy,bright and active.He could be naughty at times but he is loving,affable,thoughtful,sweet and hyperactive.He is full of brilliant ideas,creativity and energy.

She couldn't  ask for more because Rex has been the most interesting,most loving husband in the world.Her family is so blessed especially now that she's pregnant with their second child.She's excited because their second child is a healthy baby girl who keeps on kicking inside her womb.

Rex jumped like a lunatic when he saw the pregnancy test.He would jump with every discomfort she felt.He learned how to catch fish like a traditional fisherman because his wife wanted to eat fish but he should be the one who's casting the nets.Alistair shook his head when Rex asked his help.They hired local fishermen and labored for hours just to fulfill her cravings.He climbed up a coconut tree just to quench her thirst and her craving for a fresh buco juice.

She gained weight and her belly is as huge and round as Cinderella's pumpkin.Everyone told her she is pretty and blooming but she's fat and big.Rex would make love to her gently and tell her she is alluring but she would just shrug it off.

Rex is so overprotective and made a fuzz about everything.He hired private nurses,nutritionists,dieticians,five starred Michelin chefs,yoga instructors and maids.He bought tons of baby books and read all of it.He attended all her check ups even if it means cancelling a business trip.He even brought his parents so they can monitor her condition.

He had an entire mall closed so they can buy tons of baby essentials and clothes.

Even Riley seems so caring,thoughtful of her condition.

Everyone would panic with every minor discomfort she feels.

Her baby girl kicked.

She would be due anytime within this week.

Her womb contracted repeatedly and she writhed in pain.

Rex sat up and run inside their bedroom with no direction.He panicked as he stared at his wife helplessly.

Riley looked confused and lost.He doesn't know what to do just like his father.

Even with her condition,she couldn't help but laugh.Rex looked so cute because he doesn't know what to do.He looked nervous as hell.

"Rex stop running!Go and get the bags.Riley go and fetch your grandparents!"she shouted.

Riley ran and headed towards the door to fetch Esmeralda and Alejandro but Rex doesn't know where to find the bags.She laughed again and tears are falling because he looked funny yet adorable.

"Rex open that drawer and get the bags!"she shouted.

He absentmindedly followed her instructions and paced back and forth.

"Rex helped me here and let's drive to the nearest hospital,"she shouted.

Rex stared at her and carried her.He gently deposited her inside the car.Suddenly,he doesn't know how to drive.His mind is in total chaos.

"Rex drive now!"she shouted.

He drove and when they reached the island hospital he barked to the nurses and doctors to take care of her.

She was placed in the rolling bed and brought to the delivery room.

He was instructed to wear the hospital gown when the entire Van Dyken family arrived.Alistair brought a camera to capture every moment.They all wear the hospital gown.Riley took his father's hands and asked.

"Is she going to be alright?"

"Yes she will be,"he assured himself more than he assured his son.

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