Chapter 15 Blissful Oblivion 2.0

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dedicated to zanaayah

Oh my god!I got 1.1k reads!I am so happy!Thank you so so so muuuccchhhh guys!Consider this chapter as my treat!Sister dear,this chapter's for you!

I can't help but write a second chapter for the lovemaking scenes.Being with the person you love in a secluded private island,what do you think is the thing best thing to do?I think the answer to that is talking and lovemaking.It is so romantic for them to make love on the sand under the sun.So here it is!Another restricted chapter but definitely romantic and worthy to read.ENJOY!

Kayleigh unconsciously blinked her eyes against the bright morning sunlight gently hitting her face.She felt the hot morning sunshine and the cool salty sea breeze caressing her face and her naked body.She stretched her body,yawned,closed her eyes and snuggled closer to Rex.They slept intertwined to each other's arms after their midnight mind-blowing double sex session,crying fit,mushy moments,shocking realizations and revelations.She smiled with her eyes closed remembering all the glorious moments.They fell asleep with Rex listening her heartbeat.It had been one of the most steamy yet wonderful night and even though they slept cradled in each other's arms she still dreamt of him dozens of times.It was random but happy dreams.She felt the sore spot between her legs but at the same time she felt satiated.She felt one of his arms holding her hips.She lazily open her eyes.She saw him ogling at her and gently caressing her face with that mesmerizing dreamy look in his Spanish blue eyes.She shivered,smiled sweetly,kissed his cheeks,coiled her arms around his neck and arched her body invitingly.

He roared with a hearty laughter.His laughter thundered to her ears as sweet music.She thought he saw a dashing demi-god laughing.Her eyes drank in all of his gorgeous features.She couldn't understand but there is something so surreal about him.She was transfixed looking at him.The warm morning sunshine cast an enchanting shadow on his face full of stubbles giving him a rough and dangerously handsome look.His glimmering Spanish blue eyes with that dreamy look seemed to blend in with the azure vast stretch of sea.His messy and disheveled hair made him look like a criminally hot charming Hollywood hearthrob.His naked sinewy muscled body looks tempting and delectable.He is perfect in every way.He took her breath away.

"Can't help but wanted to devour me my love?"he asked amusingly.

She smiled coyly and blushed.She pouted and turned her back from him.She felt ashamed that he caught her looking at him.He chuckled and grabbed her body gently.He embraced her so tight and whispered seductively,

"Do you want me to make love to you right here and right now,my sweet tiger?"

She blushed and nodded shyly.He grinned.

He stood up and scooped her naked body.He put her down when they reached the shoreline.She gasped when the cool seawater touches her body.He imprisoned her.He crouched at the top of her body and put his arms at the sides of her body.He stared at her with that dreamy look.His eyes and hands wander through her body.He traced every curve and every corner of her gorgeous body using his hot fingers and blazing lips.All she did was close her eyes and moaned.His quivering lips traveled up and down until his burning lips found her taut nipple and sucked it hungrily.She breathed and gasped.His fingers found the soft sweet hidden pea.He rubbed and flicked the very core of her feminity and she thought she would lose her sanity.He stroke her repeatedly until she felt the heat dripping in between her legs.

"You are dripping for me my love,"he whispered huskily.

He took time to look at her face while she writhe and wriggle.The way she moaned and arched her body made him shiver with raging desire.She felt so hot,bold and daring.His lips and fingers creating a wonderful havoc on her body.Just when she thought her feelings couldn't get more intense,he suddenly slid his fingers inside her.She breathed heavily and saw starburst while her eyelids fluttered.He tugged his hair.She screamed calling out his name.

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