Chapter 21 Demons from the Past Unleashed

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She woke up with buzzing sound of Rex's celphone.He was still groggy when he untangled himself from her and answered the phone.She closed her eyes and was about to sleep when she heard the voice of the caller.

She was startled.Her heart beast fast and loud and fear seeped to her bones and flesh.Panic squeezed her heart and mind.How could she ever forget the voice of the demons?!Nervousness,panic,pain seized her sanity and the overwhelming anger boils in her blood like a boiling lava ready to explode anytime.Rex answered the phone in loudspeaker so she is one hundred percent that whoever the voices on the other lines are the demons who tortured her!

Rex didn't notice her sudden change of mood and facial expression.

"Boss...we found to see problems here...needed your help..."

The lines was breakinng and cutting out and Rex stood up wrapped the towel around his waist and went out of the room.

She was left alone trembling with so much hatred she felt that she could hardly contain.Tears are trekking down to her cheeks.She felt like any moment she would explode.She felt like she would evolve into a raging tornado of fire.

"Oh god,help me please!"she whispered while her entire body is shaking.

The floodgates of her haunting past tragedy has been opened and sickening memories flowed like a raging flood.

Wicked laughters...burning cigarettes against her skin...searing pain she felt all over her body...semens spurting out and flowed lavishly on her face...soreness and dripping semen and blood in between her cold poured to her wounds and burns...her deafening scream of pain...the numbing sensation she felt when the bullet entered her fragile body..she was soaked in ice cold beers,semen,her blood and urine and her trembling body suffering from feverish searing pain freezing cold...deafening laughters of the demons...

She shut her eyes tightly and covered her ears.She furiously shook her head as the vivid details of the gang rape and how they tortured her became clearer until it became so detailed that it is like a 3d movie repeatedly playing on her mind.The space inside the room suddenly became constricting.Everything melted and all she noticed how scary this place is.She can't breathe.All her organs are churning.She banged her head against the wall.She can see all the gory rape and tortue scenes inside her head clearly as if she is watching a movie in a big screen.She puked as she cried noisily.Her body shook violently and she screamed with all her might and went out of the room.

She run as fast as she could screaming and crying noisily while Rex chased her.She needed to go away from him and from this place.

Rex was startled when he saw her running and screaming.Good thing,she had his tshirt.Damn!His mind panicked and rattled.Why is she cracking up again?What made her acted like this?His heart and mind raced as he chased her.

She stumbled and fell.He run as fast as lightning and catch her but he was too late because she fell hard against the coarse grains of the sand.He offered his hands but she kept on flailing her arms and pushing him violently.He hugged her but she slapped him and threw countless punches across his body while she cried violently.He received all the punches from her,held her arms tightly and hugged her until her emotional meltdown turned into

sobbing.She sobbed endlessly and collapsed in his arms and as the blood drips in between her legs.

Kayleigh felt a powerful force silently sucked in her consciousness.It spread all throughout her body as fast as lightning until she succumbed to the empty blackness.

He panicked climbed to the highest level.His heart's thudding with so much fear.He has never been afraid like this before.He called his parents.Esmeralda and Alejandro panicked seeing the blood.Even Damaris and Alistair rattled.Rex barked and ordered at the reception for a seaplane.

Within few minutes,the seaplane landed and he run as fast as he could and climbed into the plane while he is carrying her limp body.He barked at the pilot to make his seaplane fly as swift as Pegasus or else he would be damned forever.

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