Chapter 27 Shocking Surprises

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Her eyes grew big.The expression of shock and amazement crossed her lovely face.She screamed.Rex lifted her from the hospital bed and gently put her down inside his shiny sleek black Mayback Exelero car.He held her hand and asked Ben to drive.She thought his car is super amazing!With the carbon black color and a plush red interior design plus it has a beautiful sound everytime the engine roared!

"Where are we going,Rex baby?"she asked.

"Secret.Just trust me baby,"he uttered full of glee.

She just nodded and laid her head to his shoulder.

After thirty minutes,they stood outside a skyscraper.

"Close your eyes baby,"he lovingly demanded and put a cover on her eyes.

He guided inside the building.

She can sense that they entered inside the large room.

He had her sit down and took off the cover from her eyes.

She's surrounded by a throng of people who gripped their salon equipment as if it's their life force.Her eyebrows furrowed and she looked at him with that puzzling look in her eyes.

He just grinned and whispered,

"Enjoy your make over baby!Someone will fetch you later.You will know the answer later.I love you so much."

She pouted and looked at him with that piercing look threatening him.

He laughed and kissed her forehead and marched out of the room.She was left alone with the dozen of beauticians surrounding her.

They pluck all her body hair,scrubbed her body,massaged her,and put on a light make up.They insisted to put a wig on her head and she agreed.It took them forever as they repeatedly primed and primped her body,face and hair.

She felt exposed,naked and bare.

She felt like she's in a dream living every girl's fantasy---the ultimate Cinderella-like Hollywood makeover.

She thought this must how Cinderella felt when she was transformed from a pauper to a princess.

It felt so strangely wonderful!

She felt beautiful.

A different kind of confidence surged and leapt into her heart.

She knew she will look amazing after this make over session.

After they put on the make up,they had her close her eyes while they put on the dress,the tiara,the diamond studded necklace,bracelet and the white shoes.

After three hours,they stopped and had her face the mirror.

She was shocked seeing a stunning lady in front of her wearing a silky,flowing white wedding gown.

Oh my god!Today is my wedding day!

All the beauticians in front of her were pleased to see the result of their labor.

She looks perfect,stunning and ethereal with her wedding gown with a lace fitted bodice and a flowing lower part of the gown!

Ben,Rex's driver came and fetch her.He asked her to go inside the shiny,white limousine adorned with red roses at the front of the car.

She was surprised to the core that today is her wedding day!She could not speak or react.She remained silent while the train of thoughts started to flow on her mind.

How is she going to tell Rex about the truth?Is she ready to face married life?

Her heart bleed knowing the answers to her questions.She is not ready for this!She needs to tell him the truth before they will say their marriage vows!But how?She doesn't have the heart to leave him in front of the altar.

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