Chapter 36 The Honeymoon 2.0

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Kayleigh 's POV

He looked like a quintessential Disney prince dancing.A handsome and gorgeous prince.His dance floor is not the large hall of a palace but the small kitchen of his superyacht.He is swaying,singing and cooking at the same time.He is my prince.He is my tamed beastly prince.He is my husband.

He looked contented,blessed and happy.He had a goofy grin on his face like he had won a lottery.

All his cruel ways are gone.He is a changed man.I can see it in his eyes,face,smile and every gesture he does.

My love for him has grown stronger and deeper.

Our love for each other has grown deeper and stronger.

I can't help but smile seeing him dancing and cooking.

My husband Rex is an interesting person.He used to be a beast.A cruel billionaire.

Everything has change.

He changed a lot.

Our lives change ever since the day I left him.

I left him because I need time to heal myself completely.

I need time and space to completely forgive him and forget all his mistakes.

I need time for him to realize his mistakes.

I left him because I have to find peace,forgiveness and God.

I took all my savings and flew to Israel,Thailand,India,China and Japan.

I tried to find peace in different cultures,different traditions and religions.I respected and greatly appreciated all the religion.

I earned a living for tourists who wanted interpreter.

I took shelter in different orphanages,convents,seminaries and monasteries.

I have learned to beg for my food.

I have learned to wake up,pray fervently,plant organic vegetables and eat a little.

I have learned to be quiet,gentle in spirit and be contented.

I have learned to be grateful and not to worry so much as to what I eat and wear.

I have learned that everything is given free and I can loose everything in a blink of an eye.

I have learned to wander and be homeless.

I have learned to share my smile,laughter and be compassionate to those who needed the most.

It was very difficult because I was pregnant and when I gave birth to Riley I have nothing to offer to my son except love.

I took odd jobs while taking care of him.

I became a private tutor and interpreter of a compassionate and kind wealthy Chinese businessman.

I think it is Mr.Tony Wun-Chang who gave Rex the information of my whereabouts.He is a loyal business colleague of Rex.He told me that Rex has been looking for me.

Mr.Chang talked to me one time.He asked why do I let myself suffer.I answered to him.It is by losing the material things that made me realize all the most important things which is the love,faith,hope,forgiveness and peace.

He was teary-eyed and offered help but I declined.

I understand completely his noble intention for me when he came to Rex and told Rex about me.We invited Mr.Chang on our wedding date.

When I saw Rex at the door of my apartment,I knew I had forgiven him.I love him and missed him terribly.At that moment,I am one hundred percent sure that I wanted to be with him forever.

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