Chapter 1 Lady in Comatose

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He kissed her forehead.She has been in comatose for fifteen days now.He rarely leave her side.He made sure someone is taking care of her whenever he stepped outside.To everyone's amazement,he even took all his officeworks in the hospital.

When did he learn to care for someone?He instructed his executive secretary to reschedule all his business trips.He cannot stand to leave the lady in comatose.He hired bodyguards and nurses to  keep an eye on her. He nearly went crazy when the doctor told him she will be in coma and he could not understand all the strange emotions he felt for her.He never felt this before.He doesn't know her but his heart keeps on getting twisted everytime he saw her bruised body.He cringed when the doctor showed all the gunshot wounds,stab wounds,bruises and burns all over her body.

For god's sake,he is a ruthless businessman and a merciless hitman and he had his share of cruelty to his enemies and he has never been affected like this before!

He earned the title of being coldhearted devil by his rivals and employees because he never took pity or sympathy to anyone not until she saw her.He fired his most trusted employees and ordered to kill his enemies mercilessly in a snap of his fingers.

He could not comprehend why for the first time in his entire existence he felt pity and sympathy for someone he does not even know.When he saw her body went limp,he panicked.He has never been afraid before not even when he had to face the GrimReaper himself long time ago.

He transferred her to the most expensive hospital in the country.Her doctor said she was stabbed and shot.She had seven stab wounds,thirteen minor wounds and two gunshot wounds one in her head and one missed her heart.Who could have done such brutal acts to her?

He ogled at her face.She has the face of an angel and a body to die for!

Her skin is fair and flawless.Her caramel brown long curly hair has been cut and shaved.She is the only woman he saw that's exceedingly beautiful even without a single hair in her head and a long line of stitches runs across her head.She had a long,thick lashes and perfectly arched eyebrows.Her nose is like a nose of a Swedish beauty queen.Her lips looks intoxicating.She looks so serene and surreal with her eyes closed and with all the tubes attached to her body.He would often stare at her for long hours and still he ended up missing her and wanting to see her all the time.Her body is petite yet plump in all right places especially the breast and buttocks.He knew that within that unappealing white hospital gown hides a curvaceous body.He would have lusted her hourglass figure but he did not and he didn't know why.He felt something more than lust and pity.

He brought her fresh flowers everyday.Something he never did before.He read her books and he would often hold her hand while kissing it.When did he learn to be so caring,so thoughtful and sweet?

He is known for being a rough lover.He doesn't know how to treat a woman gently but with her he is a sweet and gentle boy.He would often sleep holding her hand and his head laid in her bed.

Who is this alluring lady who unraveled all the hidden humane side of him?

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