Chapter 28 Raging Silent Storm

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Her feet led her to her parent's house.She sat up rigidly in the couch.The house felt so empty and suffocating.

She stared at the vast expanse of nothingness.Her tears were dried and her make up had been smeared across her face.She looked wasted.

Her heart  is battered.

Her mind is empty.

Her soul is bruised.

She felt suffocated.She ripped off her clothes and the wig and threw it away on the floor and stomped on it until she felt numb.

She thought when her twin sister and her parents died,her world would crumble but she was wrong. Taming and conquering the most evil brute but losing Rex is the most depressing chapter of her life.

She knew she wouldn't be able to forget him.

Nothing will be ever be the same again!

Everything in her world seems bleak and meaningless.She sees no beauty and meaning in her life and in the world.

She laid down on the bed.

Her heart and mind became numb.It's as if all her senses shut off.She can't think of anything and she can't feel anything!She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep but even the sleepiness has been deactivated by her mind.Her mind,heart and soul has flown somewhere distant.She became a hollow and empty shell of herself.

Rex had been sitting inside his car outside Kayleigh's house for five hours trying to decide whether to go inside or leave her.

His family comforted him and tagged along with him.He cried like a little boy in his mother's arms.Esmeralda and Damaris cried with him.Alejandro hugged his son.Alistair felt the pangs of guilt.They don't know what to do except to be with him.

Rex wondered if this is how it feels when he is about to die.

All the things that matters most became insignificant.

He cannot see the beauty of his luxury car or of the clear blue sky.He cannot see the meaning of everything he has.

Her words haunted him and reverberated on his mind!

"...I've never loved you..."

He never knew that words can break him.He thought he is unbreakable because of his indifference and cruelty but he's wrong.

His oversized ego had crushed.

His heart had shattered into million pieces.

His soul had been bruised.

His mind had been emptied.

He felt like he is a zombie.He is walking,talking and breathing but deep inside he's dead.

He wanted to scream and get mad at her but he couldn't because in the end he still loved her.

He loved her so much that it hurts.

He's angry with himself and his minions.They were his most trusted people.They were loyal.They followed his command to bring Kayla but something went wrong.It started with a simple mistaken identity but now he realized he had ruined her family,her life and his own life!

Rex wished that they did not follow him but it is too late now.

All his sixteen trusted friends knelt in front of him and begged for his forgiveness.He wanted to kill them all but he couldn't do it!He knew he couldn't do it!

His father clenched his teeth when he learned all his mistakes and his son's cruelties but his father never said anything.

His mother insisted that he court her and chase her because she's carrying their child!

He wanted to beg for her forgiveness but she seems so distant and cold.

How is he going to face her?

How would he explain it to her?

The raging storm within him is just too overwhelming and strong.He felt he's going to break and die but he knew she suffered more than he did.

He wanted to carry all the heavy crosses she's carrying.He would rather suffer than seeing her suffering.

He would surely volunteer himself as a tribute and die so she would live.

He sighed and asked himself.

How the hell should  he correct his mistakes?

I hope that somehow you felt Rex and Kayleigh's dilemma because this chapter affected me so much.I am crying while writing this chapter.

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