Chapter 18 Two Red Lines

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7k reads!Wow!I just couldn't believe that there are 7k people reading this book.I was surprise that chapter 10 Beauticians and Pilots got 2k reads while other chapter 300 or 200 reads.I asked myself why.Is it the picture?Have I written all the other chapters in a mediocre way?I couldn't find something extraordinary for that chapter except for the makeover and revelation of Kayleigh's life...Could someone please let me know what made you read chapter 10?Please please...but thanks for all your support.I guess I just couldn't believe that for one chapter readers got hooked without reading the other chapters.I mean maybe you have that feeling that you can relate to Kayleigh,is that it?

Sorry for that...anyway enjoy reading this chapter!

The seaplane landed and the moment the engine stopped and the platform has been rolled out he jumped.He disembarked and got out of plane excitedly.

He is going to be a father!

Excitement shot up and traveled all over his body.Restlessness and hyperactivity spread all throughout his brain,body and soul.

He run towards her and hugged her.

"I missed you baby,"he cooed.

She laughed and parried,"Rex

it's only few minutes that you were gone and yet you are missing me."Amusement registered all over her face.

He nodded and kissed her cheeks.He took her hands and guided her towards the ladies room.Esmeralda and Damaris folliwed them.He waited outside nervously while the three ladies entered the ladies room.He paced back and forth while fidgeting his hands.Damn!This is so far the longest ten minutes in his entire life!Ten minutes feels like eternity!He is so nervous and excited.

Kayleigh read the instructions printed on the pregnancy test kit but she couldn't understand any words in it.Her hands trembled.Is Rex the real father of this child?What if he is not the father but the demons?How is she going to accept that?How would he react?Nagging and scary questions raced through her mind and made her helpless,scared and weak.

Esmeralda and Damaris held her hands.Esmeralda explained to her the steps one by one and she nodded.She entered the bathroom cubicle and followed the instructions.After putting in few drops of her urine to the white rectangular plastic,she laid the plastic at the top of the sink while Esmeralda and Damaris held their breath and never taking off their eyes to the white plastic.She washed her hands repeatedly rubbing her shaking hands.She wanted to get rid of all of the tension bulding up inside her.

Esmeralda noticed her weird mannerism of washing her hands repeatedly and she held her hands.Kayleigh is obsessive compulsive,Esmeralda thought.

"Stop it Kayleigh!Everything will be alright so calm down.Breathe,"she gently reminded her.

Kayleigh closed her eyes and followed her.


Let the cool morning sea breeze

fill your lungs and washes all your apprehension.She told herself.

She kept on pacing back and forth and toyed with her hands.This has been the longest five minutes of her life!

Damaris and Esmeralda shrieked and shouted.She was startled.They grabbed her and showed her the two clear red lines on the plastic.

"Congratulations Kayleigh!Your pregnant!"they chorused.

The world crumbled and hit her.

I really am pregnant?I am pregnant...I am pregnant!Oh my god!

Esmeralda and Damaris hugged her tightly and jumped with so much happiness.She smiled nervously.They guided her getting out of the ladies room.

Rex run towards her and searched for the answer on her face but she just smiled nervously.

"Baby are you pregnant?"he asked full of anticipation and excitement.

"Ye...yes!"she stuttered.

"You are pregnant!I am going to be a father!Yes!"he babbled.He grinned and stood frozen on the ground.

"Yes twin brother!Didn't you hear her?"Alistair sarcastically answered him.

Rex glared at Alistair but he just laugh.

"Congratulations brother!I am so happy for you!"Alistair sincerely exclaimed.He tapped his shoulder.Alejandro did the same.

Rex held her as if she is some sort of Chinese century-old vase.

He treated her as if she's baby.Her irritation started to bubbled up and grow.She burrowed her eyebrows and she showed her irritation.She's getting annoyed but he just smiled at her.

"Kayleigh baby do you want to eat anything?"he asked full of enthusiasm and energy.

His eyes shimmered with excitement and his face lit up with so much happiness.She giggled because the irritation she felt has been replaced with amusement.

He has never been so tolerant for all her snobbish attitude.He didn't mind if she keeps on glaring at him.He would laugh and pinched her nose or kiss her whenever she glared or whenever she arched her eyebrows.He knew she will always be like that especially that she is pregnant.He found it cute when she's grumpy or snobbish.

Right after he saw the two red lines,he became restless.He leaped,jumped and run.He kept on smiling,grinning and laughing.He even took the pregnancy tube and put it on his wallet.His family laughed and shook their head.He walked and talked animatedly to the point that he acted like a clown.His happiness and restlessness is so contagious.He kept on asking her if she needs anything and he kept on fidgeting.

Holy cow!What is happening with me?Rex wondered.I have always been a serious and grumpy man but within a month the change on his personality has been so drastic!He never thought that he has this hidden skills of  making people laugh.He acted so weird lately that there are times he made a fool out of himself.What the heck!Who cares?As long as he is happy then he doesn't mind!

His love for her grew deeper,higher and stronger.He would try his darnest best to be the best husband and best father.

He saw the apprehension reflecting but he would erase all of her weariness and fears.

He knew that the child inside growing inside her is their child.He is one hundred one percent sure of it but if the child is not his then it doesn't matter.He will still love and accept the child like his own.Whatever happen to her in the past and whoever the father of the child is it wouldn't matter to him because he love Kayleigh and their baby.

Sorry this chapter is so short.Thank you so so much for reading this chapter and this book!

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