Chapter 17 The Big News

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I am suffering from writer's block and for that I am sorry if it took me time to wrote this chapter.
I don't know what to write next for this book so I decided to put this on hold and write my other books first.I don't know how to put the words together so I have to put it on hold for a couple of days.

Thank you so much guy for supporting this book!4k reads!Wow!I couldn't believe that 4k people has been reading this book!

Seeing all the votes made it all worthy for all of my sleep deprivation but I would really
appreciate it if you could put some comments.

Please continue reading the next chapters.THANKS!

She woke up feeling dizzy.She hardly slept the whole night.She

was too happy and too excited to sleep.Rex has been so hyperactive and in a good way his restlessness is so contagious.She couldn't help but clapped her hands,laughed carelessly or

indulge in small pleasures like hugging him while they are walking along the beach.They fell asleep near the shoreline inside the tent.Rex was so ecstatic about their tropical island adventures that he keeps on babbling and doing some cute,weird things like climbing the coconut tree like Tarzan and took a whole half dozen of the coconut just so he can give her a cool coconut water served in a tall champagne glass.He wanted to impress her all the time.He taught her how to do the snorkeling and she ended up giggling because he kept on swimming like a merman.He wanted to compete with the fishes.He showed her the breathtaking colorful corals and fishes.He even tried to catch fish using his bare hands.He gently thumbed her hair and put in a small,delicate flower on her right ear.He etched her name on the sand and written a mile long I love you Kayleigh.Her heart melted and she keep on laughing at him.He pulled off all those romantic,sweet,weird,comical stunts just to please her and make her happy.

She has never been so carefree,restless and happy ever before.Maybe happy but not in this level of happiness that she felt

these past few days.She thought

reading books,listening to music

and learning all the ancient languages has given her the purest and highest form of

excitement but she was wrong.All the anticipation,thrill,excitement and happiness she felt whenever she indulge in her mental fantasies while reading books is nothing compared to the mixed sensations of happiness,excitement,exhilaration and serenity she felt when she's with Rex even if they are doing nothing.Spending each passing moment with Rex gives her unparalleled,unprecedented happiness and contentment.

She sighed contentedly and letting the cool morning sea breeze fill her lungs.She hope that the feeling of vertigo will

disappear once she breathe deeply but it never went away.She decided to ignore the uneasy feeling.

She looked at Rex and she found him handsome.Not just handsome but sinfully hot and handsome!He had this dangerous look but staring at him while he is sleeping made him look like a baby boy.All his stubborn and aristocratic features seems to soften.His disheveled hair and his gentle,

steady breathing made him look like a god in Olympus sleeping.He looked menacing, glorious yet peaceful and gentle.

How can this man be so perfectly gorgeous and handsome even when he's sleeping?

As if driven by uncontrollable urge,she lightly touched his hair

and lightly traced his eyebrows,his nose,his cheeks,his eyes,his lips and his chin using her forefinger.Muted gasps came out from her lips because she felt the electric currents whenever her finger touches his skin.She was so lost with what she's doing that she did not notice Rex open his eyes.He was shocked seeing her facial expression.She's lost in pleasure while touching every feature of his face.He had seen that kind of expression.It was when she nearly reached the climax of her orgasm.Suddenly his heart swelled with anticipation,love,happiness and overwhelming lust.His throbbing rod sprung up to life and stood up like a rigid British royal guard!

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