Qingyun peak

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Xiao refused to carry me in the cart. So to get back at him, im gunna make HIM ride in the cart. Evil right?!



"Pleaseee" this had been going on for hours now, I pushed the cart to keep up with the male.

"For the last time no."

"Fine" I say dropping the cart and walking up to Xiao, who was standing right in front of the cart. Perfect. I see him let out a breath.

"Goo-" I push Xiao into the cart then run picking up the cart and runing down the hill with him crusing at me. I laugh, he lost his stick, he cant hide his feelings anymore~ I 'm such a good person.

I close my eyes for one second and a rock stops the cart agent my wishes, flying Xiao out of the cart.

"Oopsy" Xiao folded his arms glairing at me from mid air.

"As-" his words were stoped by a bush, that he fell in, becouse of me. I rush over to make sure he's ok.

"So sorry, it was that rock! It shouldn't have been there." I pick him up placing him on the ground checking him all over for scratches I may have caused.

"I should kill you."

"And start a war between Baal and Morax? You wouln't. But by all means go ahead no ones stopping you" I say still checking for scratches.

"I just threatened your life.. arnt you scared" Xiao seemed weirded out by my lack of consern.

"Oh my bad ehem ahh dont kill me sir i have a family at home better?" I dramdicly renacted a line from a book a read. The male looked blankly at me.

"Whatever." He turns and we continue walking.


I actually enjoy climing the mountain, as long as I dont look down I will be fine- I just looked down. I'm so high up. I shake my head and continue climing being more careful not to look down.

Yes. I am afraid of hights but not murder. Look when your as old as I am and the kid of an arcon people have threatened me so many times, it got boring. But hights, you have time to think before your squahed. Thinking. Scary.

I reach the top to see Xiao siting waiting for me.

"Took you long enough." I roll my eyes as he stands leading me up the path at the top of the mounten. Why is there a path at the top but not bottom? I sware Teyvat is just weird. I follow him keeping close to the monten than the cliff.

"We are here" I reach the peak just after him and am met with a strong wind blowing upwards, the air seemed to come fron no where.

"You coming" I notice Xiao isn't on the mountain anymore, looking around franticly for my travel companion. I hear a sigh, followed by the sound of feet on stone. I turn to see him with large a wing like contraption on his back.

"What the hell is that?"

"Geuss you dont have thease in Inazuma after all. Here."

"Wh-" he picked me up and lifted me into the air. I tightly close my eyes holding onto him for dear life. When i hear his feet meet solid ground he drops me. Not like sets me down, no he droped me, making me fall on my butt.

"Afraid of hights, ridiculous."

"Look here mr. Cool stuff-" i stop hearing a light chuckle. "Did you just laugh?"

"Yeah? What about it" his face turns back to his stone expression.

"Sorry I just- I didnt think you could laugh." He looked at me as though i had said something insulting.

"Get up." I notice im still on the ground. I ride only to see a view no so beautiful the world seemed to stop.

Sudenly the world stoped, the view took the breath from my body, leaving me to marval at the beutiful sight

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Sudenly the world stoped, the view took the breath from my body, leaving me to marval at the beutiful sight.

"Dont forget to breath." I hear a voice say snapping me out of my daze. I turn to Xiao who was sitting on the wooden covering. I go to sit next to him. He seemed surprised by my action.

"Its beutiful."

"Indeed, I come here when the Inn is full." I nod at his words. "Very few mortals know of this place, and even less can reach it."

"I see" he looks at me as though i had 4 eyes.

"Your quiet" he turns his gase back to the view.

"I can see the outer wall of Inazuma." He humms a questioning responce. "My brother, he is within those walls traped more by his own fear than the walls themselfs." I sigh looking at my lap.

I miss my brother.

I feel a hand on my sholder, I look at Xiao in suprise.

"Im attempting to confert you, is it not working?" I laugh,

"Its perfect, just what I needed."


Aether and his new friend started there search for the sisters they had lost.

"Say, Aether? Whats your sisters name?"

"Lumine, and yours?"


The blonds eyes widen, and Paimon gasps.

"Wait! Y/n?"

Im probably gunna upload another chap right after this but this was a good stopping point lol.

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