Tone Deaf Bard

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"Baal has kids?!" Venti yelled, Jess and I laugh at his reaction. "Cence when?"

I look at Jess, "1282 years ago"

"Earlyer you said it was 1247" i state Jess looks at me, then back at the bard.

"Ok a little over 1200 years. I have to many numbers in my head.." i laugh

"Thats right she had you doing taxes! Suckerrr" Jess pouts Aether turns to me

"Didnt you have anything to do?" Jess stops pouting and Immediately tryed to come up with an excuse to get me out of this conversation.

Making up for lost time.

"They did, they had to memories all the books in the library!"

"I thoight you said you did that out of bordom Y/n." I smile at my brothers panic on my behalf.

"Baal is a b!tch, but I got out of governing classes so i count this as a win in my book." I put my hands behind my head avoiding the original question. I notice Xiao look at me, thats right, I told him. How stupid of me.

Barbatos- or Venti berst out in laughter. Jess gives him a questioning gase. I start laughing along side him, his laugh is contagious.

"We got the lazy one and the hard worker! How perfect!"

"Y/n's not lazy!!" Jess speaks up for me.

"I spend 45 ish years trying to get out, and you think i worked the entire time Jess? Your gravely mistaken, I was asleep~" Jess looks at me in shock, i hold up two fingers "lazy and proud." I laugh, Venti, Paimon, and Aether joining in.

I look to Xiao, he was just looking at me. I tryed to look in his eyes but he turned away before i could see past his nutritional expression.

"Y/n and Tone deaf bard are a lot alike!" Paimon says pointing from Venti to me.

"and how is that little pixie?"

"I am not a pixie!" Paimon pouted at the bards words.

I turn to Xiao and whisper to him, "mr.weapon just gunna be quiet?" I laugh lightly as he looks at me as though I had a horse head. I smile as he clears his throat turning away from me.

"So the children of the Electro Arcon wish to summon a new era! How poedic, I should write a song about this!"

"Go ahead Y/n is gunna be a great protagonist." Jess gushed obviously happy he wasnt the one in the lime light.

"Oh woh now, your the one who wants to over throw the b!tch why am I the protagonist?" I stand to yell at my brother who just laughs at my responce. I hear a quite chuckle from behind me. Wait Xiao... XIAO CAN LAUGH?!?!

New goal, make Xiao Laugh.

The moment was short lived as Venti started to strum his lyre humming a tune.

"Yeah know Aether, there is a chance your sister wound up in Inazuma." Paimon notes to the male,

"I was already going to help, no need to add more incentive, Paimon" he messes with Paimon's hair as she whines.

"Your gunna help? Really?!" Jess smiles almost nocking the male down with a hug.

I turn to Xiao only to catch him stairing at me. "This is insanity." He states, i nod in agreement,

"Yeah, but when my brother wants something.." I smile twords Jess "he will find a way." I turn back to Xiao catching him stairing. Once again. I flick the space between his eyes.

"Its rude to stare mr.weapon." i smile as he leans back from my sudden attack.

"Mabey so" he mumbles still looking at me.

I roll my eyes at him,


615 words!
Sorry for a little brake i just went back in person and have a huge test Tuesday- so wish me luck!

Anyway i wanted to update to think yall for all the love and support! It means a lot to me it really dose ♡

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