ChApTeR - 6

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Frustration echoed in Zadia's mind as she smashed her pillow over her ears to drown out the sound of the baby's weeping

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Frustration echoed in Zadia's mind as she smashed her pillow over her ears to drown out the sound of the baby's weeping. Tino had been going at it for about five minutes now and she felt like she was going to lose her mind. "Don't you dare." Abel groaned at her from the floor. He rolled over to his stomach, tightening the covers around his body. They'd been sleeping in the same room for about a week and Abel thought it'd be best if he'd sleep on the floor rather than sharing the queen size bed.

"I can't take any more of this. I need my sleep and he obviously needs me." She grumbled, her fist clenching the pillow. "Letting him cry is not working."

"It's sleep training Zadia. He's got to cry it out or else he'll become spoiled and we'll never get any rest."

"I don't like this cry it out method. It's gonna make him hate me."

"He won't," Abel whined. "Just try your best to ignore him and he'll stop... eventually." Zadia huffed, squeezing her eyes shut tightly. She let out a breath, waiting for Tino's cries to stop, but once it didn't, she sat up and turned on the lamplight. "Zadia, don't."

"I've got to. I hate it when he cries." With drowsy eyes, she stood up and pulled off the random shirt Roman had given her a couple of days ago, before walking to the black wooden crib and looking down at Tino. "What's all that fussing about?" She asked him, before picking him up and coddling him. "There's nothing to cry about, I'm right here." She whispered, wiping his tears and patting his bottom.

He loved when she did that.

While holding him, she used her left hand to detach the clips on the bottom of his onesie. Lifting his shirt carefully, she dropped it in his crib. Tino instantly laid his head down on her chest, his small fingers pinching the flap of skin on Zadia's arm as his crying seized.

"You're spoiling him." Abel reminded, sleepily.

Zadia sighed, feeling a little disappointed in herself. "I know, I know." She started. "I'll stick with the cry it out method... someday... just not now. It's bad enough he doesn't have his mom here with him, I can't have him thinking I'm abandoning him... or better yet punishing him."

Abel looked over his shoulders, deciding to ease up on her. She didn't have much baby experience and he didn't want her to feel bad about it. "It's fine, you'll get the hang of it someday."

"I will, I promise." Her hand began patting Tino's back. "I'm gonna go downstairs and make him a bottle. You get some rest, I know you need it."

"You sure?" Abel asked. "I don't mind looking after him while you sleep." Just as he said that a yawn came from his mouth. "You know what, on second thought ignore what I just said." He lowered his head back down on the pillow and closed his eyes.

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