ChApTeR - 7 pT. 2

590 41 14

Zadia tapped her nails against the window of the car for the tenth time in a row, annoyed with how far this drive was

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Zadia tapped her nails against the window of the car for the tenth time in a row, annoyed with how far this drive was. She wanted to go back to the safe house and sleep her ass off before Tino had awoken. The fact that she had to pee irritated the life out of her. She knew she should've never tried that homemade cranberry juice Adam made, but it just looked so damn good.

"Will you stop with the tapping, it's unnecessary," Roman mumbled, having enough of her. Zadia sure knew how to get under his skin and it took everything in him not to push her out of the car. He had eventually turned down the music to her liking because she had bugged him too.

"I've got to pee," Zadia whined, tapping her fingernails harder against the window. "Can you please just pull over?" She clenched her legs together, feeling like she was about to wet herself.

"No." He said, gruffly.

"Please, Roman. I seriously can't hold it. I think I'm gonna pee myself." She said, clenching her thighs tighter. She felt like a child begging her mother to buy her, her favorite cereal.

"Don't you fucking dare!" He cursed, quickly pulling onto the curb. He put the car in park and turned to look at Zadia. "Go."

Zadia looked outside at the dark and then looked back at him. "It's dark outside and there could be people watching me. Can you just cover me while I do it?"

Roman's face scrunched up. "Eww, no. I don't want to watch you pee." He argued. "And we're in the middle of nowhere, no one can see you." Just then a car passed from the side of them, its headlights shining into Roman's Jeep. Roman reached for his gun, not liking how the car slowed, before finally leaving. "Zadia." He said, his voice low. "Make it quick."

"You don't have to watch me do it! Just shield me as I do and keep your eyes shut through the process." She said. "And haven't you seen that one horror movie with the weirdos in the woods... they're always watching."

Roman groaned. "I'm gonna shoot myself if I have to hear any more of this shit!"

Zadia rolled her eyes. "You're so dramatic. It's your fault we've even got to this point in the first place. If you would've just pulled over at the first gas station we passed, this all could've been avoided."

Roman clenched the gun in his hand. "Jesus Christ, let's go." He said, before unbuckling his seatbelt and opening the car door. Zadia did the same, smiling small because she got her way. The cool air blew against her skin as she stepped out. She kept the door open as she looked for any sign of someone. "Turn around." She instructed Roman as he walked over to her.

He sighed but did as told. His gun stayed in his hands and he looked around, trying his best not to deal with the awkward position Zadia had forced him in. "This is ridiculous." He mumbled, hearing the sound of Zadia pulling her sweats down. He hated being put in awkward positions... he hated a lot of things.

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