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Zadia Hamilton hated her life, in fact, she despised it

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Zadia Hamilton hated her life, in fact, she despised it. Not because she didn't value it, but because her life simply sucked.

There was nothing interesting about her life, she did the same thing every day, at the same time. She had a crappy job, lived in a shitty apartment and had a worthless Nissan Altima. Zadia blamed her parents for her poor upbringing, seeing as they were filthy rich and decided not to help her... at all. They did this because Zadia chose not to pursue a college education but instead pursued her art career, which really wasn't a career since she barely had the time to paint or even draw nowadays. As soon as she told her parents her decision, they kicked her out, disowning her in the process.

From there on, Zadia has been on her own ever since. No family, no friends and sure as hell no lover. No one in her family would talk to her because they thought it was pure stupidity that she chose a dream, instead of college. Her use to be friends, thought they were way too rich to be in her company and she simply had no time to develop a relationship with any male specimen.

Sometimes Zadia resented herself. A part of her wondered if art was even worth living like this.

Zadia blinked and a lone tear fell from one of her eyes as she laid in bed, staring deeply at the canvas on the stained carpet. Truth be told, she thought about burning the canvas, that and her shitty apartment. She wanted to watch as the flames rise and slowly burn everything in its path. The smell of the fire growing bigger and bigger, burning the tissue in her throat in the process.

She shook the thought out of her head, before taking a deep breath and letting it out. She couldn't burn the canvas, it was something she worked so hard in, in the ninth grade. It was the first thing she ever painted, and her art teacher loved it so much that she thought that Zadia should enter it into the schools nationwide art show. The canvas came in first place, which was what sparked Zadia's love for art.

The timer that Zadia set for three in the afternoon ringed, causing her to roll her eyes shut. "Time to go to hell." She mumbled to herself, slowly sitting up. She released another breath before standing up and walking to her closet. Grabbing her uniform, she began to put it on. Zadia hated Starbucks uniforms, she even hated working for them. The pay was barely enough to support her financially and her co-workers weren't shit. They irked her nerves, always saying the sickest shit. In her mind she knew that they were racist, hell it didn't take a lot to figure it out.

Every time her boss would criticize something she did, he always made sure to add, "And I love black people." Which always caused Zadia to frown. She didn't get what loving black people had to do with work criticism. Walking to the mirror, Zadia licked her lips before putting on some cocoa butter lotion. She looked in the mirror, barely noticing her own reflection. There were bags under her big chocolate brown eyes, her Nubian nose wide at the bottom. She had a full set of lips on her, her cheeks tinner than usual.

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