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Golden- Harry Styles

"Dance" Golden- Harry Styles❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀

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The van sailed down the empty road. Inside is the crew on their way to do more illegal shit.
Alexa leans her head against JJ as he's fixing his blunt.

"Pope we're not stealing the drone. We're borrowing." John B tried to ease Pope's nerves but everyone knew it wouldn't work.

Alexa wasn't sure how that would help. Obviously the people working there wouldn't know the difference.

"Humans are the only animals that can't tell fantasy from reality." Pope quoted while staring out the window.

"Did you come up with that?" John B asked sarcastically. John B didn't appreciate Pope's pessimistic attitude.

"No Albert Bernstein came up with it, but it applies to this whole treasure hunting thing." Popes nerdy self responded. He would randomly spew out quotes from unknown people.

Everyone stayed quiet as they had no clue what Pope was talking about. John B paused before letting out a small


"So, which is it?"
Pope turned his body to look at John B.
"Fantasy or reality."

Before John B could respond JJ decided to butt in the conversation.

"Why are you so weird Pope?" JJ deadpanned causing Alexa to sit up and look at Pope. She smacked JJ causing him to snap his head back.

"He's intelligently different JJ." Alexa defended with a small smile.

Pope was most of the time the odd one out. She was surprised they had even became friends. Alexa met him in the 5th grade when she had to go against him in the math competition. He was her only worthy competitor and it ended in a tie. When she found out neither of them would get the trophy, she demanded him to forfeit. He didn't, instead they became friends.

"It's fantasy, but possible reality." Kie answered for John B

"Reality." John B assured. He and Kie shared a longing look.

Alexa thought it was all possible bullshit but there's always some truth behind bullshit. Therefore they had to at least try.

"Virtual reality." JJ mumbled with the blunt his mouth ready to light.

As he got his lighter close to the butt of the blunt, Pope snatched the blunt from him.
Tossing it out in front of him.

Alexa's eyebrows went up in surprise. It kind of pained her, knowing how long JJ had spent fixing it up.

"Keep the signal clear." Pope stated while leaning back up.

JJ looked dumbfounded staring at the spot his blunt was thrown.

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