Chapter 22

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The night Amber saw those three people in the mirror, all she could do was cry. She wanted to tell Dylan everything. Then she had gotten a text from D. Could it be Dylan?

D: Hey! Are you awake? 😊
A: Yes. And sad. 😔
D: You will be fine, duh! 😒
A: Excuse me!? 😳
D: Oh, oops. 😬
A: Thats all you could say! 😕
D: I mean... im sorry. Stupid typewriter 😅
A: You mean, auto correct?! 😒
D: Yup! aha
A: Remember our first dance, and our song? 😊
D: Our dance is boogie woogie. And the song is Fancy by Iggy Azalea.
A: NO! You aren't Dylan! He knows our dance and song.
D: Sorry, honey! 😳
A: You would call me bæ or babe! Missy???
D: Ya... its me!
A: But why?

Amber tossed and turned that night, wondering why Missy broke into Dylan's phone. Or even pretending to be Dylan. Why? Amber cried again and again. Until it was 6AM.
Amber was exhausted, sleepy but still powerful. She got up and rushed to the mirror.... again.

Amber heard footsteps as she walked to the mirror, she hid behind boxes of old photos. Then she saw brown hair flip from side to side. Only one person did that... it was Bella. Then glass fell to the floor, making shattering noises. Amber then jumped from behind the boxes.

"Hey! What the hell is wrong with you? Bella.... why are you in my attic?" Amber shouted.

"Now you won't be able to access the magical world inside the mirror." Bella blurred out.

"What magical mirror? This is magical.. cool! Thanks, Bella!" Amber added.

"Oh, shoot! I goofed up again... i gave away the secret." Bella noticed.

Then wobbling movements came into the attic, the mirror shot out white ghosts and scary noises. The ghosts took Bella into the world. Why didn't they fix the mirror?

Amber kicked and punched the mirror, leaving it with nothing but the back. The pieces were on the floor and half, were on the mirror itself. Amber heard *dings* coming from her iPhone.... it was Missy. What did she want!?

M: Amber! Amber!
M: Hello? Are you even there?
M: I have important news!
A: I have better things to do then listen to you! 😤
M: What's your beef! 🍗
A: I can't talk to you. You pretended to be Dylan! 👿
M: Yes, i did! But I'm past that now. ☺️
A: Well, I'm not! Goodbye. 😾
M: Fine! 😦
A: Oh. Could I borrow your hot glue gun?
M: Whatever!

Amber got the hot glue gun from Missy and tried to fix every single piece that was there. It kept falling off and breaking into more bits and pieces. Amber couldn't even do this. She finally got on one piece.... probably three hundred more to go!

After hours of glueing, Amber finally finished. The mirror twirled and hopped until the mirror transformed into a new fantasy one. You could even see the world inside.
Amber touched the mirror and it wobbled. Cool, but weird too!

She jumped inside and traveled through a tunnel. Which means she flew all the way there. She fell on the ground and looked around it was more like a funny maze. Amber saw a pink unicorn and decided to pet it. It smiled and talked too. When Amber petted it... its face turned red and screamed, "Don't touch me!" The Unicorn screamed. Amber moved away and saw Bella. Bella ran and Amber followed.

Then there was a glass that had three bodies, Dylan, Mom and Dad. Then there was a little letter below:
Save us! Please. You have until tomorrow night to save me. If you don't complete this challenge, we will disappear forever. You need three valuable items. Find them, and FAST.

Amber didn't know how to get everything in time. Then three people came to line up. She joined as well. It was Missy, Bella and Madame Belle. Amber didnt know what was happening. Then the coach came: "Attention! This is a race! Find the three valuable items before tomorrow night. Good luck. Ready. Set. Go!" The coach called out.

Amber was totally confused. How was she gonna compete with Missy, Bella and Madame Belle?

Tune in next chapter!! 🌺

Author's Note:
Hey! You made it to Chapter 22! 😊
We are getting close to the end! 👌
How will Amber compete with all three of them? 😬
See ya next Chapter? 😝👋

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