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fyi, this is my very first book that i am in the process of editing:-) please dont be harshh

Chapter 1- Knowing a Little Too Much

"Hurry up Amber! We got to see her before the line gets too long." Meredith, her best friend complained while dragging her to the medium sized line.

Amber was never a fan of the carnival scene; she thought it was too hot and too muggy to be walking around, standing in lines and eating food that you would soon throw up later.

Meredith on the other hand, enjoyed every single detail of this carnival. She dragged Amber almost every summer since the fifth grade, and she never complained not once.

"There she is," Meredith cheered.

Amber quickly glared at the large outside sign located right beside the lineup of her business. She was holding a purple glowing globe in the picture, and looked surprisingly mysterious. Even for Amber.

"What's so great about her again? How do you even know that she's a fortu--"

"Sssh," Meredith placed her index finger on the center of Amber's mouth. As soon as Amber gave in, she was pulled into the aggravating line of the people awaiting for their fortune to be told.

          "What are we even supposed to do at these things?" Amber asked, releasing the grip Meredith had wrapped around her hand, and hesitating whether she should exit the line or not.

           "Just listen to her when it's our turn." Meredith glanced at her watch, and staring at the long line overlapping in front of them.  And Amber could tell her patience was growing wry.

          After 25 minutes of standing in line, Meredith and Amber got their taste of the fortune. They both sat down, and anxiously waiting for the fate of their destiny.

           "Welcome-I am Madame Belle, here to present you to your future and its state. Do you promise to follow all instructions? And commit to the fullest extent?" Meredith nodded in a brainwashed, zombie-like way and Amber shrugged with the slightest of interest showing on her face.

            Madame Belle took the girls hands and rubbed their palms in a slow, circular motion until they couldn't feel anything anymore. She read Meredith's, and closed her eyes as she did it.

         "You'll be presented with a wealth, but it'll be masked by love and regret that not only you can stop from happening." Meredith gasped in shock and shook Amber's shoulders until Amber made eye contact.

           "A sign of love and regret, I wonder if it's Chase. I just know that he's old news for me, maybe it's a sign that I should move on from him for good." Meredith tried to analyze out loud, hoping that Madame Belle had a clear answer for her.

           "Now the brown haired one, aren't you pretty? But your fortune seems to be foggy in my parts, I can't read this. I think that's all I have to do for now." Madame Belle said, clearing the neatly placed cards off her table.

          "Madame or whatever your name is, I have been waiting for this for a pretty long time, and you're not gonna just quit on me." Amber angrily blurted out, crossing her arms while she did it.

        "Very well, but the slightest thing could change your whole life in seconds-that is my only warning for this." She reinstated.

      Madame Belle rubbed her thumbs through Amber's hands, making sure she didn't mess up on what was supposed to be a reading. Her eyes closed, she asked Amber to do the same and proceeded to sing a gibberish native song that the girls hadn't heard of before. Meredith jumped as the rattling of the table, glass globe and ceiling decorations shook and began to make a charming beat to her song. Once she stopped, everything stood still.

          "Amber, you must go home immediately. And lock all the doors in your house, including the windows. You must hide all mirrors and keep yourself and your family safe." Madame Belle cautioned, lining up the deck of cards in her hands and shuffling them.

            "What will happen if I don't?" Amber asked, almost as scared as Meredith but trying to hold back her tears from soaring out of her eyes.

          "I would do it, even the consequences may be extremely dangerous. Don't step on cracks, don't look at any black cats and don't break any mirrors." Madame Belle explained, beginning to close up her shop.

          "Am, you don't believe this do you? This is crazy. More crazy than my story." Meredith said.

          "I can't hesitate or think too much. I must do it, if I want to save everything."


thank you guys so much for reading. I tried my best to make the book a little different than the beginning so the writing is a bit better.

have a good day!


Amber And The Fortune Teller | ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora