Chapter 3

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That following Saturday, Amber thought to herself how on earth will she get into Madame Belle's shop without getting seen or at least get her to come.

But all Amber had to do was get past her nosey grandmother. Today was "Bake With Grandma" day. And it was hard to get past her.

"Honey, its bake with grandma day! Come bake with your precious grandma", Grandma exclaimed. Amber tried to say she was coming but ran into one person only...

Bella! "So, where are you going? We were supposed to go to Kateville mall and get fro-yo?", Bella shouted. Amber had totally forgot about the mall. And about fro-yo.

"Ooh. I know we were gonna get fro-yo. I was just gonna get you now, bye Grandma.", Amber shouted. Then, Amber and Bella left to Kateville mall.

After Bella and Amber went, all Amber did was try to find Madame Belle, and suddenly forgot all about Bella. Amber reached Madame Belle's shop but the closed sign was still up.

"I told you not to come here, EVER! But I guess you leave me no choice!"

Who is talking to Amber? Is it Madame Belle? Or possible a new character?

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