Chapter 27

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Quick Author's Note:
Hello, lovelies! 💙💙
This is the 3rd last Chapter of this book! 😱😱
I will make a TOTALLY different book! 😋
Soo, let's get started with the 27th Chapter 👍👍
Epic Showdown: Part 2!! 💛

Amber was truly confused with what happened.. toilet paper, and the missing flowers under her bunk bed. It was weird for her to get the blame.

Last chapter, Amber got in trouble with the coach.
You might wonder what the coach said, here it is.. 😏

"Amber! YOU ARE... DISQUALIFIED!" The coach announced.

"Nooo! I can't be." Amber hollered.

"Madame Belle will still compete alone." The coach decided.

"Please... I can help.. I mean.. do the challenges." Amber insisted.

"Loook. Clean up my tent and help after. Actually. Madame Belle clean, and Amber go get cleaning materials." The coach explained.

"Madame Belle.. You know where the cleaning materials are?" Amber asked.

"Yaaa. Its in that dark, forest. Turn right and then go down stairs." Madame Belle answered.

So Amber went downstairs of the dark forest. She found a door that said "cleaning supply closet." After, Amber noticed it was open. She then found a mop and a small bucket. Then, The door closed. And there was no light.

A hissing sound appeared. 🐍

Amber was terrified and shook the doorknob, until it broke off. "HELP ME! THE DOOR IS SHUT." Amber screamed for her life.

The snake bit her in her hand. She felt dizzy and sick. She fell on the floor with her throbbing hand.

The next morning, she woke up and felt different... not herself. The coach kicked down the door and saw Amber's hand really big.

"Your hand! Its been bitten." The coach shouted.

Amber's eyes turned from blue to red. And then she was.... oops!! can't tell.

Amber then spoke to Madame Belle..

"I found your stupid cleaning supplies." Amber rudely told her.

"Thanks. Woah, your eyes are red." Madame Belle noticed.

"Get out of my way, nerd! I have somewhere to be." Amber rudely interrupted.

Amber walked to the meadow where she could speak with her parents.

"Mom, Dad. Hello?" Amber yelled.

"Hiii, honey! Your father is asleep." Mom informed her.

"Who cares!? I got disqualified.." Amber announced.

"Ooh dear! How could you?" Mom said in shock.

"I don't wanna save you anymore.. it's boring." Amber explained.

"Amber! How could you not want us to be saved?" Mom asked.

"I don't know. I can never get caught up with my Instagram.." Amber blurred out.

"Instagram is more important to you than us." Mom hollered.

"Well, duh! But ya." Amber said.

"Why are your eyes red?" Mom asked.

"Not sure.. got bit by snake.. felt dizzy. Blah... Blah... Blah" Amber exclaimed.

"Sweetie! I have to leave.. go see Coach." Mom ordered.

"Ya...ya! Byee!" Amber waved as she said goodbye.

Then the mom disappeared. Amber sat there for three minutes thinking about the whole thing. Then someone say her talking with her mom..


Who was that watching Amber? Will Amber change back to herself?😱😬

Tune in... 😏

Author's Note:
Hiiii! You made it to Chapter 27!! 😛❗️
Looks like Amber is changing, but not in a good way. 😯😕👀
What will happen next?? 🙊🙊
See ya next Chapter! 😋👋
Peace out!! ✌️✌️

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