Chapter 30: Finale!!

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Quick Author's Note:
Hi, lovelies! 🌺
This is it! 😜
The finale of Amber and The Fortune Teller. 😍
Hope you enjoy this last chapter! 😘
Enjoy, ppl! 😛

That same night, the spark flashed on the soil. The ground shock, and didn't make anyone move that night.

This was Amber's chance to finally be a kid again. No more missions, sneaking into houses or fighting with a evil fortune teller. Now she could live with her mother and father... of course grandma!

The next morning, Amber saw the meadow was destroyed. The portal was gone and the flower's left a very gooey mixture in a black bowl. Amber picked it up and added scales that she found from the snake earlier. The mixture wobbled and bubbled.

Amber got nervous.

Then, BOOOM!!

The portal reappeared. She walked in and found a person crying. It was just Amber, no Madame Belle. This was her chance to shine bright.

Amber walked up to the person and asked for directions,

"Excuse me, mister! Do you know any directions to a floating house?" Amber asked.

"I'm not a mister! I'm a miss. My name is Gloria! Turn right and follow the yellow brick road." Gloria answered.

" But is there anything dangerous around here?" Amber replied.

"No. It's totally safe. Thanks for cheering me up. But my cat is stuck in a tree." Gloria confirmed her.

"Ugh. Fine, I will help you. Make it fast." Amber shrugged.

Amber climbed the tree, and tried to fetch a the kitty.

"Here, kitty!" Amber called.

Then the kitty jumped into her arms and they both jumped off the tree. Amber gave the cat to Gloria and left to find the floating house. Then, the cat followed behind her. Amber ignored it and kept walking.

Then, Amber saw a neighbourhood of floating houses and couldn't find it at all. She knocked from house to house, some people screamed at her. Some sweared. And one old lady gave her $5.00. Score!!

At the end of the neighbourhood, she saw one house and two that looked just like it. She went to the one on the end. And it was her mother.

*Ding Dong* Amber rang the doorbell.

"Hello. OMG! Amber. You have grown so much." Mom said excitedly.

"Hii, Mommy! Im here to save you." Amber said.

"Sweetie! You said that you didn't care about rescuing us." Mom complained.

"I got bitten by a snake. I changed me. Now Im back." Amber explained.

Amber told her parents to pack and meet her at the portal near 4PM. Amber walked back and forth waiting for her parents. It was 5PM. Something wasn't right.. at all.

Amber ran to her parents house and knocked on the door. It opened and no one was inside. Amber searched from top to bottom and found no evidence. Then a note was found on the end table..
It read:

We are trapped. Trapped like a bird. Find us before you stay in this world forever. Hurry, leave now!
- M&D

She ran to the portal and it was this close to closing.. forever. She jumped through and made it. Back to the world. Amber called her parents and nobody answered. She went to the coach's tent and couldn't find him either. Where were they?

After, Amber went to Madame Belle's tent and she wasn't in there either. What was going on? She felt quite confused and stupid too. She saw slime on the ground. That was the same slime she probably saw in the house. Amber followed it and it lead to a huge cage. Mom, Dad and Coach were tied, dangling from the ceiling. Gonna be dropped into a pool of hot lava.

Amber saw them struggling. And Madame Belle standing there, smirking.

"What the hell? Why are they tied up? Let them go!" Amber ordered.

"What are you gonna do about it?" Madame Belle asked.

Then Madame Belle zapped her with her powers, throwing Amber near the lava. Amber rubbed her hands together, and felt a shocking feeling in her hand. Amber touched her hands towards Madame Belle zapping her as well.

"Cool! I have powers too. Again." Amber hollered.

"Amber! Hurry the heck up! The rope is ripping here!" The coach screamed.

"Okay. Okay." Amber replied.

Zapping and Zapping.. powers and powers.

Next thing you see, Madame Belle is dangling from the cliff. About to fall to her death.

Amber asked Madame Belle before she fell..

"Madame Belle. Why do you hate me?" Amber asked.

"Ugh. I don't know." Madame Belle answered.

"Then, why did you capture my parents?" Amber asked again.

"They had something I needed and they disobeyed me." Madame Belle replied.

Then, Madame Belle fell in the pool of lava. Gone for good.

Amber ran to the cage and caught the rope and allowed her parents and coach to leave.

When Amber got back from the meadow, and the world itself turned out awesome! Amber's parents went back to normal. And were able to go back home.

Thanks, coach!" Amber replied.

"Hey. Im glad you have your parents back." The coach answered.

Amber packed her things and left with her parents back to Earth.

When Amber got back, she introduced her parents to Grandma.

"Granny! I have a surprise." Amber said.

"You had me worried, child. Ooh. Your parents." Grandma said surprisedly.

"Mom! Im glad I could see you again." Mom explained.

Amber hugged her Mom and Dad. She was so happy her life was back to normal.

And she lived happily ever after.. for now! 🙊

"I will get revenge! You will see."

The end!

Author's Note:
Hii! You made it to Chapter 30! The finale! 👍👍😜
Thanks so much for making this book possible! 🌺
Amber finally got her parents back. 💙
But is Madame Belle dead? 😱
Find out next book! 😁☺️👍
For the last time on Amber and The Fortune Teller, see ya next time! 👋😛
Peace out! ✌️✌️

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