Chapter 20 : Conferment Of Evil Schemes

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" Rosie!, Rosie!... Amélie has just collapsed. We need to get her to the hospital right now ".
My employee Sanique hastily said. As she violently thrust my office door open. I immediately grab my phone and car keys and ran towards her.

" Okay!, Sanique you're in charge . Lead me to where Andr- I mean Amélie is right now! ".

That is exactly how I find myself mere minutes later, in my car going twice the speed limit. To ensure that Amélie or whatever name she went by, was quickly taken care of. The next thing I knew after I had arrived at the hospital. Amélie was being wheeled away into the intensive care unit with more applicable and experienced medics.

They were moving quite hastily and shouting orders to the others urgently. I could hardly hear what they were saying. All I faintly heard was,
" Code Red!, Code Red!. We need urgent...".

A tall guy in blue scrubs had turned to me and proceeded to ask me a few questions. That were pertaining to my name and the nature of Amélie's incident.

I hurriedly placed a phone call to Anna's school to inform the principal of the current predicament. When I was finish I had looked up and down the corridors in a cautious manner before slipping away to a quiet spot to call a certain individual.

I started pacing back and forth as I chanted, 'Come on pick up. Pick up the phone' repetitively to myself. A total of my twelve calls went straight ahead to voicemail.

Oh, So now he decided to answer the phone, at the thirteenth phone call.

" Hello love, to what do I owe this pleasure of dear ol' Rosie ca- ".
Immediately I interrupted him in a hushed whisper. While relatively mastering the art of looking over my shoulders for any eavesdroppers.

" Samiel I have excellent news. Andrea is in the intensive care unit of the Summerville Medicare Hospital. She had collapsed today and I am currently awaiting the results. I think you need to be down here for this one ".
I said to him in an anxious tone with a prickling feeling in my stomach.

" Well done Rosie. What do you expect me to do with that information?. So you propose that I should leave my perfect world to enter yours?. You should have call me when Andrea's corpse had flat-lined.
That is when I would have stepped into your world. To bring my heir home to whom and where she rightfully belongs ".
He said to me in a slow yet sarcastic manner. I really wonder if thinks he is speaking to a child.

" Darkstar you are not getting the bigger picture he - ".
I pleaded with him to hear my case. Jesus will he ever stop interrupting me.

" Why don't you enlighten me then Rosie?. Since you seem to have a keen insight for the bigger picture ".
He replied to me with faux interest along with a genuine dose of sarcasm.

" Let's just say that Andrea had contract some fatal disease. She would then have no choice but to entrust Anna in my care. Since she practically has no one else to lean on. Andrea will never expect the betrayal coming from my end because she considers me her friend.
I had played the hypocritical role exceptionally good. So if Andrea indeed dies she will trust me enough to leave her Little Bug, Anna with me. Then you can come in a take whenever it pleases you ".
I said to him in all seriousness.

While still keeping an eye open and scanning my surrounding. Despite the fact that no one was there, I had stealthily tucked myself further into the corner.

" Me oh my, such venerability Rosie!. I would be lying if I didn't say I'm quite impress with your thesis. You really have work hard to earn your pom-pom points with such interesting psychoanalysis. Rosie I am simply astonished. I can't believe that you have garnered so much premeditation for murder from just one incident.

I definitely know exactly to call you when there is somebody to kill. Well would you look at that Rosie... a golden opportunity had presented itself. Andrea is lying there in the scales of balance between life and death. Maybe you could give her a little push closer to death. You know... to give yourself a trip of nostalgia down memory lane ".
He said to me in a sweet sarcastic tones where he spit out his venom as usual.

Jesus, the wit end I had to go to, the sacrifices I had to make and the blackmail I had to endure. Just so my past didn't blow up in my face and bite me in the arse.
I let a tired sigh and I look up to the ceiling feeling quite exasperated and rolled my eyes. Did he take anything in this life serious.

" Rosie, how rude of me?. To acquire such privileged information and don't thank the messenger. So thank you Rosie, I'll be there soon. After I wrap up this little lethal drug and sex session ".
He said to me in a tone he deemed apologetic. Before I could response a beep resounded in my ear.

What's it with him to keep ending calls after he had gotten the last word in.

This damn devil... is always finding more than six hundred and sixty-six ways make people mad.

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