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It had been a month. Bill hadn't seen or heard from Eleanora for an entire month. He'd written her about a hundred letters, all in code, but he'd refrained from sending all of them. He didn't want to be the reason she got caught. Instead, he occupied himself by visiting both Grimmauld Place and Eveline's house nearly every day. The only reason he went to the Black family house was that he was desperate for news on Eleanora. Every single day he got his hopes up that he'd walk in there and Lupin or Moody or Sirius would tell him his girl was coming home. Everyday, though, they came up empty handed.
A week after Eleanora was expected to get back, she was declared missing in action. Bill slept in her room a few nights a week, reminding himself over and over again that she couldn't be dead, she couldn't be dead. It wasn't possible. Eleanora Marks could never die. Not before he had more time with her, not ever.
"No word from her, huh?" Eveline murmured, handing Bill a cup of tea.
He took it and blew the steam away. "No. No word."
Eveline had tried to offer him dinner, noticing that he'd lost weight and that dark circles had formed under his eyes, but Bill had declined. He took the tea, though. It was comforting.
"What do you think about it?" Eveline asked. "About... any of it?"
Bill shrugged. He wasn't really sure what Eveline was asking. "Dunno. What d'you think about it?"
"I think..." Eveline stared into her mug, looking worried. "I think it might not be safe for me to stay here anymore." Bill's head jerked up, but at that moment, there were light footsteps on the stairs. "Daisy!" Eveline called. "Give us a moment, please? Why don't you go draw Bill a picture?" The footsteps receded.
Bill shook his head hard. "What d'you mean you won't be safe? Is everything alright?"
Eveline seemed hesitant, but she took a deep breath and plowed on. "Remus Lupin payed me a visit the other day." Bill was taken aback. He talked to Lupin every day and he'd never mentioned anything about Eveline. "He said there are- what do you call them? Death- Death Eaters?" Bill nodded. "There are Death Eaters who are still mad at Cillian for betraying them all those years ago."
"And they want to take it out on you because they can't find him," Bill finished for her, connecting the dots. "I got it."
"I think..." Eveline swallowed hard. "-I think I should go into hiding for a little while."
"Right..." Bill said, considering. "Where do you think you'll go? I know a few places, I have friends abroad, you know. I could get you somewhere safe-"
"I already have a place lined up."
She was looking at Bill expectantly, but he wasn't catching on. "I have a place lined up... but I can't take Daisy."