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"No, no, no, no," Eleanora muttered under her breath, setting the potion on the bedside table and hurrying to Bill's side. "No- no- wake up. Bill-" She took his face in her hands and watched as a tear splashed onto his cheek. Without bothering to wipe her eyes, she ran a hand down his lifeless face. "Stop it, stop it... wake up... you can't-" her voice broke off in a choked sob, "-you can't-" She sat back, her entire body shaking with sobs, and then reached for the mug of unicorn hair tea. "We might still be able to..." she broke off, looking at Mrs. Weasley in desperation. "Hold his mouth open." She pulled out her wand and muttered a few incantations, trying her best to work the complicated magic, but she couldn't think straight. "Come on..."
Mrs. Weasley held Bill's mouth open and Eleanora tipped some of the potion in, scared to give him too much or two little. "Come on, Bill..." she sobbed, holding her fist to her mouth and watching in anticipation. Mrs. Weasley put an ear to his chest, and then sat back up, shaking her head slowly. "No, no," said Eleanora. "Try it again." She frantically motioned for Mrs. Weasley to help her again and poured another sip of the potion into Bill's mouth.
Nothing happened.
The healer stepped forward and gently took the mug out of Eleanora's hands. She stared at Bill's body, mouth open in shock. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't take in anything else. Her head lowered slowly onto her fiancee's chest. She couldn't cry, she couldn't scream, she couldn't make any noise at all. Her mouth opened, but nothing came out as she breathed in the familiar scent of Bill's clothes. It almost felt normal, except for the fact that his body was completely still. There was no familiar rise and fall of his chest, no hand running through her hair, there was no Bill left. He was gone.
Eleanora stayed there for what felt like an eternity, her entire world crashing down around her. Then, she felt something. A little twitch. A quick rise in his chest. She picked her head up and stared at Bill's face. The room was silent, everyone staring at his lifeless body with intense fervor. There was a cough... and then another one. "Bill?" Mrs. Weasley said in a hushed whisper.
They waited a few more seconds, and then Bill took in a breath... and another one. He choked, his eyes opening wide as he broke into a fit of coughs, a sound Eleanora never thought she would be happy to hear. "Bill!" she shrieked, and burst into tears.
Mr. Weasley moved around the bed to prop Bill up onto the pillows and grabbed the mug of potion, having him take another sip before saying anything. He swallowed and then let out a low groan. "Hey..." he said in a hoarse voice. His hand moved towards Eleanora, but fell short, shaking violently. Eleanora let out a ragged sob and buried her face in his chest again, feeling every breath he took with new appreciation. Her hand gripped the fabric of his shirt and she felt like nothing around her mattered anymore. Bill was alive. Her Bill was alive.
The next hour or so was a blur. The healer wouldn't leave until he was sure Bill had taken a definite turn for the better, and he helped Eleanora finish the spellwork on the potion so it was strong enough to bring Bill back to himself. "How did you think of that?" he asked as they were cleaning up the supplies littering the room.