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"So you can get the ingredients today during your free period?" Fred asked in a congested voice during breakfast the next morning.

"Ummm, yes-" said Eleanora as she checked her schedule. "And you should go to the hospital wing during your free period to get something for your cold."

"No-" Fred broke off, violently coughing. "No, I'm good."

Eleanora gave him a disbelieving look and took a bite of scrambled eggs. "Honestly Fred, it'll take ten minutes."

"Ten minutes that could be spent doing anything else." He took a sip of the tea with honey Eleanora had made for him that morning. "-And look, I've got tea."

"Madam Pomfrey could fix you with one potion,"Eleanora said, bewildered. "Why wouldn't you-"

"I hate the way it tastes," said Fred adamantly.

Eleanora snorted. "That's ridiculous, Fred. It doesn't taste that bad."

"It's horrible!"

As they continued to squabble, Eleanora studied her schedule. She'd dropped Ancient Studies, allowing a free period to do whatever she wanted. It didn't do her much good, though, because the twins had class at the same time.

Their argument was interrupted by Circe swooping down and skidding to a halt in front of Eleanora's plate, a letter fastened to her leg. Her first thought was of Bill, but the lettering on the envelope was too big and sloppy. It looked like a child's handwriting.

"It's from Daisy!" she practically shouted as she ripped the envelope open. The twins leaned over her shoulder curiously as she read.

Dear Eleanora,
Daddy told me if I write a letter to you, he can give it to an owl and it'll take it to you at school. I never knew how much wizards can do! In the library at his house, there's all these books where the pictures move, like real people! It's all fascinating really. Daddy can also make the pictures I draw move around, I put one in the envelope with the letter.
Tomorrow I start going to school at a school near here, instead of the one I used to go to at Mum's. I'm a little scared, but I feel a lot better about it because Daddy said I can go to Hogwarts next year. Can you believe it? It's because I accidentally did magic while we were at the park, when I fell off of the swing set. Instead of falling and hurting myself, I bounced like the ground was a trampoline! Stephen always told me I would never get to go to Hogwarts like you did, but I haven't heard from Stephen or Mum since what happened at the beginning of the summer. Have you?
The day after I did magic, Daddy took me to Diagon Alley just to see all of the shops, and he almost got in a fight with some man, but then he took me to the book store and we looked through all of the books. He said that he used to take you there to get your school things before you started staying with your friends every summer. He also told me to ask you if you're entering... but I'm not sure what that means. Please write me back! I want to hear all about Hogwarts!
Love, Daisy

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