Chapter 10: Blurry flashbacks

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General pov:

Gergahi is sharpening his daggers, looking out the window to see a view of mountains and crops.

He stood up once he was done and proceeded to walk out the room and head for the general.

He entered the cottage where the general was sat behind a mahogany table writing on a piece of parchment.

"Good to see you Gergahi, I have a new task for you to do this day" The general informed him as he got closer to his table.

"What is it sir?" He asked attentively standing up straight in front of him.

"I command you to keep a close eye to Finn and protect him with your life, and do me a favor to not let yourself visible to his eyes" He sternly stated.

"Yes sir" At that he walked out the cottage and continued his path for the modern world.
He was dressed in a modern clothes that he changed into to blend in with the others.

Gergahi pretended to look through clothes in the rack, stealing secret glances at Finn who was following close behind the cast.

He moved a little closer to the teen who somehow felt like someone was watching him.

Finn searched the almost empty store for a suspicious looking person but found nothing.

Gergahi emerged from the dressing room and watched Finn follow the rest of the cast out the store.


Finn's pov:

I felt kind of uneasy walking around the mall like I'm being watched 'Maybe it's just some of the fans'

"Hey you okay?" I snapped out of my thoughts and found myself infront of a line for the cafeteria food.

Millie was staring back at me concern present on her facial expression "Y-yeah I'm fine" I smile reassuringly.

"You sure? you seem a bit... tensed" She pointed out.

"Yep, I'm sure just thoughts" I shrugged.

"Okay then, now let's go buy milkshakes!" She excitedly dragged me to the beverage store.

We bought our milkshakes, walking to the table where the rest of the cast were situated.

We both sat down at the available sits next to eachother. I stole a fry from Gaten's plate as he shouted at me in protest while I ignored him.

"What do you guys wan'na do next?" Caleb suddenly asked

"Let's go to the record store!" I exclaimed happily already standing up.

They groaned as I rolled my eyes "Your lost, cause I'm going" I said already stepping away from the table while sipping my milkshake.

I notice them standing up and trailing behind me 'I can't wait to pester them about the vinyls and bands' I thought smirking to myself.

Finally after walking around the mall for awhile we finally found the record store and I excitedly entered.

Vinyls after vinyls was lined up perfectly in each aisles and band posters sticked to the walls.

I stared in awe already looking through the vinyls. "Do you have any recommendations for us Finn?" Gaten asked 'I almost forgot they we're here'

"Try McDemarco, ooh Plantasia is great to!" I pulled out both albums showing it to them and Gaten took it.

I picked out different kind of albums I find great and stacking them up in my arms "Gosh you're a big music nerd" Millie commented beside me.

"Awe that's sweet of you to notice" I fired back smirking.

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