Chapter 1

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Anshul's POV

I awoke form my slumber, sitting up in bed while looking at the entrance of my den.

I stood up and padded over towards the front door, slightly opening it in the process.

I peeked outside, noticing a lot of red light coming from the old abandoned mine.

Curiously opening the door fully while padding over to the mine.

"what's that?" I thought; being drawn towards it for some reason.

I got closer to the mine, looking around the corner of the mine entrance.

The light was shining brightly from within.

Curiosity got the best of me and I entered the mine.

It took a little bit until I found the source of the light.

I saw a red stone emitting the light, padding closer every second.

When I was close enough, I noticed it was laying in the middle of a T junction.

Thinking nothing of it, I continued padding closer to the pretty shining stone.

I was now close enough to identify the stone like object.

I got excited and got a paw out to touch it, until....

A deep snarl was heard from my left, I immediately retracted my paw and threw my head to the source of the noise.

Before I could react, a black and gray pokemon lashed out at me with a sharp claw.

Before it made contact......

I woke up for real......

Nine years later

(anshul dreamed about an earlier event that happened, now he awoke from the nightmare. The event with his parents happened 9 years ago.)

I opened my eyes, the nightmare woke me up.

I sat up in my bed, letting my eyes adjust to the daylight.

I got out of bed, grabbing some berries from the basement to eat.

While making my way to the front door, I passed a mirror in the hallway.

I stopped in front of the mirror; turning towards it.

There a flareon stood, watching my own reflection closely.

My sight always ended up on the left side of my face.

The scar I have clearly showing.

My left eye...... its completely white.

I'm blind on one eye, the scar showing a clear slash going vertically over my face, my whited out eye being in the middle of it.

A permanent reminder of the one time I got careless.

Moving my paw to my left eye, covering it up with my paw.

"today... is the time..... I leave this place." I said to myself; removing my paw from my eye in the process.

I ate some of the berries from the basement.

After finishing the berries; I padded towards the door, opening it when I reached it.

Padding towards the river behind the burned down tree.

"this is the only reason that I'm alive" I thought; while bending down to lap at the water.

"beside my's the only thing that survived the disaster" I noted; being careful not to fall in.

Shatter Me (flareon x glaceon)Where stories live. Discover now