Chapter 22

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Amber's POV

Tonight was not a peaceful night at all.

I barely got any sleep in.

There was the constant danger of getting ambushed by a group of dark types, making me feel unsafe the entire time.

Any noises would freak me out, making me think it was a dark type.

My poor sister cried herself to sleep at one point in the night, but her crying and sobbing didn't stop.

All I could do, is rub her back, and hug her, hoping I could soothe her into a better sleep.

On top of all of this, both my boyfriend, and great friend were missing, unknown if they were still alive or not.

Their absence made me feel even less safe than I already was.

Whenever I tried to close my eyes, a noise would make me open them.

All I hoped for, was to see Clyde and Anshul come out of the bushes, and reunite with us.

About three hours into trying to fall asleep, a soft ribbon suddenly levitated past my peripheral vision.

It spooked me slightly, but I quickly calmed down.

The ribbon belonged to Ciana.

I looked back, and saw she was awake.

She silently nodded at me, and wrapped one of her ribbons around my paw, doing the same with my sister's paw.

Ciana smiled at me, and then laid back down again.

When she made herself comfortable, a soothing feeling streamed from the ribbon.

It calmed me down, my sister as well.

The feeling made me able to sleep.


Ciana helped greatly.

Both me and Mira slept, when she used her ribbons.

I slept for quite some time.

When I actually woke up, the first thing I noticed, was Blake's absence.

This freaked me out a little.

My eyes weren't adjusted yet too the lighting.

It seemed to be early morning from the looks of it.

Once my eyes adjusted, I notice something near Ciana.

I grew one of my vines, and lightly nudged the thing.

It turned around, and it was Blake.

His black fur made him pretty hard to see in the somewhat dark cave.

Why was he near Ciana.

"...good morning..." Blake said.

"morning Blake, seen anything last night?" I questioned, knowing that he was probably up way sooner than me, because of him being nocturnal.

He shook his head, and turned back to Ciana.

I tilted my head.

"B-Blake, what's wrong?" I asked, now wondering why he was so gloomy.

"...remember Ciana's stitched wound..." he asked me.

I thought for a bit.

"umm...yea, Anshul stitched it, right?" I answered.

Blake nodded.

"...Anshul said, that if the stitches aren't removed, the wound could become infected...I'm worried...about my sister...if Anshul doesn't return...I'm afraid that my sister might get infected with something terrible...or worse..." Blake said.

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