Chapter 15

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???'s POV

"...they are, safe..."

I was padding away from the battlefield.


"...that, vaporeon, got lucky..."

"...that mightyena, could have, killed him..."


"...he does, have, a battle spirit..."


I padded back toward the den.


On my way there, I noticed some mightyena.

They were.....looking....for some mon.

my den was very close by.

Too close for my liking.


I got ready to pounce.

"I know I smelled a scent!"

"you're mad! We've been tracking that so called scent for way too long!"

"it's somewhere around here! You smelled it too! Right?!"

"at first yes. It's probably not here anymore thanks to your screaming!"

"it's hiding!"

"stop lying! We've been here for ten minutes!"

"are you all also getting a really strange feeling about this place?"

"it's obviously pretty shy....hmm, it is around here."

"then you're mad too!"

"no, I'm not mad, I'm smart."

The mightyena's looked at each other and laughed.

"HAHAHA! You? Smart! And why is that!"

"because, the mon we're tracking iiissss, RIGHT HERE!!"

The mightyena clawed into the den, hoping to grab it's pray.

"NNYYAAA!!" my sister screamed in shock.

My rage grew to unstable levels when I saw them force my sister out of our den.

They pinned her down.

I focused all my rage on one of the mightyena.

"aww look at this cutie here!"

"you'll make a lovely dinner!"

"BROTHER! HEEELP!" my sister screamed for help.

One put its paw on her muzzle to shut her up.

"no mon is coming! Cutie!"

"HMMMPHH!!" she tried to scream.

The mightyena that was on my sister is the one I aimed at.

All my focus went to my paws.

I pressured it all into a sphere.

"...GET, OFF, HER!.."

The sphere shot toward the mightyena.

When my focus blast hit it, it was thrown at light speed into a tree.

It was unconscious.

I ran at the nearest mightyena.

I jumped onto it, slashing at its head with shadow claw.

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