Chapter 30

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???'s POV

I was standing guard by the chief, as he was on his throne made of stone.

Some of us have chiseled it out for him, out of honor.

He was contemplating some things, as the commander was training more troops for battle.

"What's up, chief? You've been thinking for a while now." I said.

"Just thinking about some things...Leading an army isn't easy...Especially when you have to give all of them a different set of orders." The chief said.

"Shouldn't you relax? I mean, you've just send out a big amount of mons, toward that forest that the eeveelutions are supposedly. And you've send that Assassin over at them." I said.

"Yea, but nothing really goes according to plan nowadays." The chief then said.

"Well, that might be true, but maybe that won't be the case this time." I then said.

The chief rolled his eyes, and continued to think.

"What are you thinking about right now anyway?" I asked.

"Battle strategies. I might not be commander anymore, But that doesn't mean I've stopped strategizing." The chief said.

Then a mon suddenly dropped down in front of me and the chief.

I got in a defensive stance.

The chief then told me to stand down, when he saw who it was.

"You're back..." The chief said, when he saw the Greninja.

"Indeed I am. I'm here to tell you, that you misinformed me, about your Assassination request" the Greninja said.

The chief looked confusedly at the Assassin.

"What do you mean? I told you to assassinate two mons. A Flareon named Anshul, and a Vaporeon named Clyde. What's so hard to understand from those orders?" The chief asked.

"You left out very valuable information...First off, there weren't 4 eeveelutions, like you said. But there were 5. And there wasn't a Leafeon at all. There was a Glaceon, Flareon, Vaporeon, Umbreon and a Sylveon...You never said anything about a Umbreon and Sylveon. They were the reason, why I'm back here, without a kill." The Greninja said.

"Well, looks like they recruited some more eeveelutions on their side. How could I have known about that? It's been months since I've seen then. And don't be fooled, that Leafeon is still around." The chief said.

"Isn't it your job to adapt to the battlefield?" I then questioned the Assassin.

The Assassin turned to me with a glare.

"What do you know about Assassinations...Anyway, if you want me to take care of those other pests, you're going to have to pay up." The Greninja said.

I turned toward the chief, to see his reaction.

"Uhh, you can forget that thought. I don't know those pokemon, and they've never bothered me. So no, I won't pay up to have some pokemon killed, which I don't know." The chief said.

The Greninja grew a grin.

"You sure? That Flareon wasn't looking particularly well. It'll be an easy kill, next time I visit them. If you want to make sure I don't get stopped, then perhaps pay up, so I can kill them all." The Greninja said.

"No, I don't think so. I do expect you to take care of the two I hired you in for. So go on, and take care of them." The chief said.

The Greninja sighed and shook his head.

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