Chapter 17

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Shout out to @Mirothgar for being the first one to answer the question! Anshul became emotional, because ambers cooking reminded him of his mother. His mother was also a leafeon that could cook really well.

Amber's POV

I woke up in the night.

There were a lot of sounds outside.

It sounded like a battle was going on outside.

"what are *yawn* they doing?" I wondered.

Some of them were cheering, like they achieved something.

I then realized what they did.

"they went hunting....." I thought.

My fur stood up straight.

The thought of them killing other mons for food, made me shiver.

I couldn't stand the thought of eating others.


It took some time for the cheering to disappear.

They were probably heading to the castle.

I felt movement.

My vine that was lightly wrapped around mira felt it.

She was shivering.

The vine began to gently rub her back to calm her down.

"it's that stupid king's fault she is like this!"

"why did we ALL need to be there?!"

"it's like he wanted mira to be scared!" I thought in frustration.

My vine continued to soothe mira.

She cuddled closer to anshul beside her.

When she did that, she started to calm down more.

"aww! They are so cute together!" I thought.

Suddenly, smooth paws hugged me closer.

Clyde wanted me to sleep again.

His tail wrapped around my hind paws.

He cuddled closer to me.

"okay! I'll go back to sleep!" I whispered to him.

A smile appeared on his muzzle.

I laid back down.

My paws wrapped around clyde.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.




My eyes slowly opened again.

It was still nighttime.

My vine felt mira shivering again.

I began to rub mira again.


I squeaked from surprise when something else touched my vine.

Suddenly, something moved by mira.

My other vine grew to attack it.

"ho! Anshul!!" I heard it say.

I stopped my vine from striking the mon.

"sorry anshul.... I thought you were a stranger..." I said in a guilty tone.

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