You Are Special Part Two

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All he hears is the ringing in his ears, and the words his mother uttered about this person called Benji being his mother! Running out of the temple as fast as his feet will carry him, he heads to his favourite meadow. He knows he promised his father he wouldn't go out side the temple but he needs a minute to think, even in his human form it doesn't take him long to reach it. He can't control the sob he releases,  when he finally feels the soft grass under his sandals. The burn in his chest makes moving anywhere else impossible, even the warmth from the sun can't penatrate the chill on his skin.

As he sinks down to the floor, nothing in his life has been out of the ordinary to make him believe he is a blue omega! Well perhaps certain actions of others have indicated that he wasn't a normal omega, maybe it's the reason why he's always had chaperones! It all makes sense now as he was never selected for the trade trips or ever learned to hunt! He never questioned why everyone always seemed  to have the harsher chores around the temple. In all his life he's never been allowed to light the torches, he's never carried the dead animals because he never liked the smell. It's the same for the dirtier chores someone  always rushed  up to shoo him away when he  volunteered to assist in polishing the floor tiles of the temple, and was the bed line. He must pray hard to the moon tonight for being such a unhelpful omega.

Baekhyun could cry as this must mean he's the only one at the temple that has not been told of his true heritage! Baekhyun admits he has only heard snippets about how blue omegas were treated before the clan wars, that to be one was once considered special and were held in the highest regard for their beauty. They were treated almost like royalty, by the clans that had one. Most often blue omegas had high positions in clans, the very best mates most often A clan alpha or son. It's never been made clear why that all changed, not one of his tutors could tell him. It breaks his heart to know that nothing in the end Benji suffered being poisoned, how cruel it is that they will never know each other. He's been so naive, there must be more to the clan wars, then he has ever been told.

He lowers his head away from the direct sunlight, his heart and his mind are screaming different things at him, his wolf too whimpering in confusion. His heart clenches in pain at the sheer devastation on his parents faces at saying they are not his birth parents! His head screaming at him warning him that being a blue omega is nothing but a death sentence, he knows now that  he doesn't know the full story of what happened in the clan wars!

All he knows is just enough to piece together that whatever happened caused blue omegas to be wiped out. A further sob leaves his throat when he realises his parents have probably risked their lives to keep him safe, especially if his birth mother is no longer alive. If he truly is a blue omega will he meet the same fate, he heard the part of poison, whoever this Benji was, he must have been so scared at the end and suffered so much.

Closing his eyes, he desperately wants to calm down no good will come from being so distressed especially when he is alone and outside the temple walls. It would only take one rogue alpha on a scout or hunting mission, to pick up that a distressed omega is close. He wouldn't stand a chance against an alpha. Baekhyun raises his head to the sun he doesn't know what to do, he wants to ask more about what happened to Benji, but a cowardly part of him doesn't want to know. What he wants right now is to let his wolf free, so they can just curl up and hide out here in his sanctuary until the moon rises. The moon always makes him feel better, Baekhyun smiles when his wolf instantly relaxes over the prospect of laying amongst the honeysuckle.

A snap of twig behind him and that familiar powerful force have him whirling around, standing in the same place is the supreme alpha. This time in human form instead of his majestic wolf form, Baekhyun takes a deep breath as those familiar pheromones invade his senses, this time those pheromones don't intimidate him like the first time he felt the wolves presence. This time they offer him comfort, and make him and his wolf instantly calm their frantic mind and heart. He's desperately trying not to whimper too, there's a tension between them that cannot be ignored, he does t want to either. Baekhyun feels his eyes widen he may be having a crisis, but that doesn't mean he can forgo the traditions when meeting a supreme Alpha and instantly drops to his knees. Just as he hears a rich honey toned voice, "I mean you know harm little one"

It breaks Chanyeol's heart to see this beautiful omega carry such devastation in his pheromones, and wear such a haunted look in his eyes. It's a look he yearns to remove by keeping this rare omega forever close to his heart, he watches as Baekhyun keeps his head low. He has no doubt it's to show his respect and submission in front of an alpha, "you do not need to keep bowing to me little one." "Were you in the room when my mother spoke of this Benji being my birth mother? Did he send you to retrieve me?" Chanyeol was expecting that question, but what surprises him is that soft delicate tone holding no anger. "No he didn't send me, I did follow you, you should not be alone little one." "Alpha I don't understand I'm just an omega, I'm nothing special" Chanyeol can sense the rising distress and confusion from Baekhyun again, while he understands what Minseok, Yixing and Benji did was out of fear, love and protection. He doesn't understand why they kept Baekhyun's true heritage from him.

Chanyeol looks over the young omega again, and his heartbeat speeds up at juts how ethereal this creature is. Sparkling clear eyes, that blue hair shines like a halo atop the palest skin his ever seen. His wolf is restless within him as he too is desperate to get closer to the one who is their destined mate. He so wants to howl at the moon and announce to the clans that their supreme alpha has found his one true mate. That however will have to wait until Baekhyun has endured the agony of his first heat, and they have followed the traditional courting that Baekhyun deserves. Right now though he needs to be the source of support and comfort for his soon to be mate, when he hears Sehun speak through their pack bond. Jongdae, Yixing and Minseok have both calmed down and asking after Baekhyun. I told them you followed him Alpha I imagine you won't have long before they follow. Sehun can you keep them at the temple I promise them Baekhyun is safe, we will be returning soon.

Chanyeol feels Sehun retreat from their pack bond, as he watches as Baekhyun returns to his seat amongst the meadow flowers. "May I sit with you a moment?" Chanyeol feels his wolf finally settle down within him, as the precious omega nods his head. "I'm sure you have many emotions right now, in fact I can feel them. I can not tell you why your parents kept your heritage from you! I can tell you that they love you as did your birth mother, every decision your parents made was done at the wish of your birth mother. You are special Baekhyun in more ways then you can ever imagine." "I didn't ask to be special," "no one ever does little one, I can't tell you everything because it's not my place, all I can tell you for now is your birth mother died at the hands of some truly evil people. Jongdae one of the beta wolves I'm travelling with is Benji's brother! He and your mother are best places to discuss your heritage with you Jongdae will be thrilled to tell the tales of their youth too"

Chanyeol watches as Baekhyun finally starts to calm down, he knows he could give this young inquisitive omega all the answers he wants about what it truly means to be a blue omega. Telling him that he is the last blue omega, and that as a blue omega he is the only male wolf that can carry and birth pups should not come from him. He does vow to make this omega his, as he watches Baekhyun hold his hand out for a butterfly to land on,  a beautiful smile on his face. This precious omega is beyond pure, one he silently promises to love him unconditionally for now.

Hello my lovelies
Here we are they finally have a conversation, I really hope you like this.

I know it's short and sweet but I think it perfectly fits the narrative for my story plus to me Jongdae and Minseok can fill in the Blanca better then Chanyeol and will each get a heart to heart with Baekhyun.

Let me know what you think ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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