Of Elders's Warnings & Poisoned Arrows

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Baekhyun's POV
The fire of his arousal ignites across every inch of his skin as his glorious mate, gently places him against the furs and silk of their bed. Their lips continuing to dance a familiar dance of intimate soft butterfly kisses, kisses he can never get enough of. His gorgeous powerful alpha has always been so gentle when handling his own delicate body each and every time they've mated, today is no different as those large warm hands skim over his cotton covered body. Never in all his 100 years did he imagine finding himself the mate of the supreme alpha, yet now as they enter their second full moon of being official mates he can't imagine not being mated. His wolf purring in to his mind and the push of lust filled pheromones and intent his mate pushes through their link is as real as it's always been. So much love it's enough to stop him thinking about the feast, the danger they're all still in, instead he's able to concentrate on what's happening right in this moment as he too sends waves of his own arousal through their link.

He can't help but whimper when the heat encasing his much smaller frame leaves, his Alpha cooing at him as he gently with one of those large hands palms a heated cheek. A move that has his alpha growing and pouncing back to the bed like the mighty predator he was born to be, "my moon child you're always beautiful, but like this your stunning."

"I always will burn for you my alpha!"

"Just like I burn for you my precious star!"

And burn he does from the very tips of his toes to the ends of his fingertips, they thrum with everything he never thought he could feel. Their intimate moments some of his favourite memories, he's learned so much in just the shot times he's been claimed, cheeks no doubt flaming at all the vivid memories of his mighty alpha teaching him where to touch, where to lick, where to kiss and how to take that incredible much larger appendage.

Baekhyun loves having his alpha's body heat cocoon him at all times, but the absence of that heat a key indication to what's about to happen, whimpering again and in a move unlike him, he beckons his alpha forward with a subtle flick of his hand. Watching in awe when his alpha rids himself of the shirt he was wearing, allowing for him to feast upon the sculpted stomach and chest muscles of his mate.

That glorious chest heaving with each breath, Baekhyun can feel the heat flooding his own chest and cheeks at the primal seductive look in Chanyeol's eyes. Not so long ago he would shy away at such intensity directed at him, but now he fully trusts his alpha and brazenly spreads his legs a little, letting his cotton shift rise up over his own milky legs. Only a month ago the release of thick slightly sticky warm honey scented slick would of panicked him, now he knows it's all part of being mated. That it's a sign of his fertility that after his next heat when his alpha knots him, he could provide the cubs that may very well one day lead this very pack. Maybe their progeny will be just like him, a precious rare blue omega cub. A perfect mix of them both, with his alpha's eyes and his own snowy white fur.

I promise soon my love you will swell with our child, if I had my way you would already be carrying such a blessing. Yet the danger thats still yet to be eliminated remains and my precious moon child I will not have you in more danger.

One day Alpha I know it will be safe for us to create life, right now let us not speak of that animal.

No let's not ruin the moment, I love you my precious star.

As I you my alpha, my heart, my soul.

Baekhyun will never get used to that overwhelming feeling of anger that floods their link whenever that mutt and his pack is mentioned. They do not speak of him often, but Baekhyun knows that the more those mutts evade patrols, the more agitated his alpha gets. To distract his mate he sends a flood of soothing love through their link and quickly leans up from the bed and gently captures his alpha with a passionate kiss, wrapping his arms around those hard muscled shoulders and pulling his alpha's much taller frame atop himself. Detracting his lips yet remaining as close as he can, so close that if he were to stick his tongue out a hairs breath width he'd be touching the wolf who owns his heart. Pushing as much love, want, and need through their link as he whispers the words he know drives his alpha wild. "Alpha I burn for you,"

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