A Wolf's Growl Part Two!

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Baekhyun's POV
Baekhyun can only gasp and tremble at his reaction to the magnificent wolf, standing protectively in front of him. His body feels on fire, a sickly sweet scent clings to his skin, and once again to his shame his robes and backside are damp with that wet, sticky substance again! The air is thick with tension, and all he can feel are constant ripples of arousal, every part of his body is hyper aware that his mate stands lest then 10 feet away from him. Emitting such powerful pheromones even his wolf is effected! His wolf is mewling, paws and flank already lowered presenting himself ready to mate. Baekhyun wants to cry, his body burns with need for his mate, the heat haze the omega's at the temple used to gossip about completely consuming himself and his wolf.

Its only the sound of a vicious snarl that snaps him out of that all consuming haze, Chanyeol still stands protectively in front of him. The snarl clearly not one from his mate, he can see Yukio now, however he seems to be very agitated as he paces wildly from left to right. Feeling more lucid, Baekhyun whimpers once when he sees the lifeless body of the wolf that had cruelly restrained him in a position only Chanyeol should ever see, on his arms and knees. Baekhyun feels no emotion as he glimpses the corpse beside him, he always believed  seeing a creation of the moon gods getting killed would effect him more. Oddly he doesn't feel the despair he expected, it could be his heat haze but all he feels is an odd sense of pride that his mate did that all to keep him safe.

Becoming more lucid by the second, he can see the carnage before him, Chanyeol's appearance should warrant the winter clans to cease their attack. Yet these wolves that are clearly part of Yukio's pack, have remained unwavering in their positions! Completely unyielding to the wolf who demands their submission. Baekhyun can feel his heartbeat picking up when he realises that these wolves don't care for traditions installed by their elders millennia ago. A feat in its self as all he wants to do is bare his neck and submit to Chanyeol's every whim. Taking his eyes away from his mate, and Yukio he notices there is still a distance between himself and his mother, his mother who's truly in the thick of the fight. A dirty grey wolf remains poised to attack only inches away, too close really as he could easily bite or scratch at his hind leg, maiming his mother enough to get a chance at his neck. Scanning the area breifly he can see Jongdae thankfully is not far completely low on his belly. Baekhyun has had no training in defence, but he can see what ever that dirty grey wolf was trying to attempt with his mother would of failed, Jongdae has his talons extended ready to swipe. Sehun has the other two to contend with, his posture screaming complete control ready to strike the moment the winter wolves so much as twitch.

Yet even he can see not one move has been made in what feels like minutes, but is probably seconds since Chanyeol burst through the trees. Something isn't right, he can smell it in the air, he can feel the hair on the back of his neck standing to attention. That's when he shivers as Yukio once again with those evil yellow eyes turns to face him, baring his canines is some sinister wolf like grin, that sends ripples of fear down his back. Seconds later six more wolf appear from the tree line the winter wolves had stood originally. Two of them heading for his mother, four straight for Chanyeol! Baekhyun watches as the fight explodes to life around him. Sehun takes out one of the wolves he was facing much in the same manner Chanyeol did, a quick snap of the neck by his teeth ! Sehun's reflexes are fast and sharp, he's already circuling the others that have approached him! A loud roar of pain comes from the wolves advancing on his mother, who he can see has already given one wolf a clear swipe of his paw. Baekhyun can't help but feel terror racing in his heart, this is no place for either of them. Yes his mother can defend himself, but not against such odds, he just hopes his father can feel the distress he can't voice right now.

His eyes widen when he sees that Jongdae has his teeth clamped in to one of the wolves legs, those sharp teeth piercing the muscle. Making the wolf  howl out in pain as he shakes that leg like a chew toy! As for his own heart his magnificent mate, its all a blur of snapping teeth and sharp claws! Unable to differentiate between each of those winter wolves and his mate, is doing nothing for his wolf who is snarling at hun to make a move! He wants nothing more then to help, he would be nothing but a distraction to everyone! He can't fight he's never been shown how to defend himself, he knows he read somewhere on the scrolls in the temple that blue omegas can't heal. Perhaps that's why he's been kept on a pedestal all his life, it's not because he's not capable! He's sure he can be once giving the training. He's been kept away from anything that can harm him, to protect his life and lineage. Perhaps that will change now he has a mate he would like to prove himself too, thoughts on having that discussion with Chanyeol when this is over stops instantaneously! His heart hammers into his ears when he realises what wolf now stands a foot away from him. That disgusting mix of arousal and death seeping into the air around like poison.

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