The Power of the Moon.

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Chanyeol's POV
The roar he just emitted has the clashing of teeth and scraping of swords instantly stopping, even the sound of the birds and rustle of the tree leaves yields to his desire for vengeance. A vengeance that will not be swift, as he takes a step away from Baekhyun towards the one that dared harmed him. A thirst to have his disgusting head on a platter overwhelming his own senses, until he feels the strength of his mate bond.

Relief consumes his heart, as the desperation in their link that allowed him to find his precious star finally recedes, as does the deafening silence they both endured being apart. He'd been driven absolutely fereal at only being able to feel an echo of Baekhyun's emotions, something that could only of happened if his precious star was unconscious. Chanyeol believes it's the only thing that blocked it, the other possibility is just to terrifying and impossible to even contemplate and has shivers running down his spine. Yukio doesn't and should never have the power to remove a mate link, even he himself can't do that! Well they both can when they kill mated wolves, Chanyeol would of known instantly if his link with his moon child was severed like that.

He's strong in his belief that Baekhyun would never willingly close their link, being unconscious is the only possible explanation. Yes he himself has blocked their link and for safety purposes, pulling away from their link during Baekhyun's first heat out of respect. What he's felt in the two days they have been forced apart was was not a block or the usual echoes it was just total stone cold silence.

He can't bare to think about it right now, instead he concentrates on the power inside him let it flow so that under his pelt rippling with an intense need for retribution over the harm to his beloved mate. Thankfully as he scents the air, he can smell no poison, the cloying smell of decay is strong as is that mutts arousal, but he can not smell what he feared most! Yukio scent all over his mate. He can smell the iron of the blood in the air where that evil mongrel made Baekhyun bleed, right above that private mate mark. Chanyeol is no fool either, he got here just in time!

Not quick enough as one winter clan is already daring to escape, he only has time to glimpse a flash of retreating ebony hair through the tree line but it's enough to cause his fury to bubble over. He can't spare the wolves that came with him to chase her, he will not risk. Baekhyun's safety again. Despite his knowledge of where Blanca is likely going, there is only one place she can go, no  one else will aide her! He knows he will come to regret not chasing after her, but he and the wolves with him, will be long gone before she returns.

Her departure works in his favour as it means he can concentrate on the remaining threat to his beloved young mate. The one whom dares to still hold his head high, still managing to smirk despite his collision with the stone ruins. The disgusting smell of his unwanted arousal is the high in the air, as those evil yellow eyes do nothing to hide the contempt, or the lust in them.

If he were in human form he would smirk at how easily the winter park will bend to his will, well all but one. Yukio always managed to evade and reject his commands, not today he will make sure of it. Feeling his own claws flex against the broken ground he stands on as the clear smell of  Yukio's arousal fills his nostrils he just needs the right moment to strike. He snarls at the man whom still wears the devil's smile on his face, he takes a step closer, ensuring his control over his need to rip this mongrel apart remains completely ironclad for now.

The only reason Yukio is still standing is his mate, his still handcuffed, bruised and battered mate. He instantly saw red, at the trickle of blood on Baekhyun's delicate skin, allowing that thread of control to snap for just a second to ensure those who have caused this pain know they will be punished.

Turning his head back to his mate, whom thankfully is safely hidden behind Mitang's large brown wolf form. Chanyeol can feel a fire rising in his chest at the chafing that those barbaric iron cuffs have caused, he doesn't have to be close to know bruises are already forming over that milky soft skin. It's taking all his might not focus on his precious star and free him from those chains, before bundling him out of here. It kills him to leave his precious mate still in those heavy chains, can feel how clearly traumatised he is, going by the amount of trembling he is doing and the release of such pain filled pheromones. He can feel the shame his darling moon child is emitting through their link, he truly despises what his mate has been made to feel and yearns to address it. Which he will in the privacy of their chamber, ensuring his mate feels nothing of the shame he feels, right now it is not a moment that should be witnessed by the filth of the earth.

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