Talks of the Heart!

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Hello my lovelies,

I was reading through this story and realised I forgot one crucial element i haven't explanied! I hope you all have it sussed but just in case when I've written in italic it means the wolves are communicating telepathically through a mate/clan link .

So sorry to not advise this ❤️❤️

Chanyeol's POV.
Chanyeol feels a great warmth spread within him as he watches Baekhyun cling to the man he calls mother. Yixing and Minseok both look beyond relieved to have their precious charge within their arms. He and his wolf yearn to join their mate, he can still sense lingering uncertainty within Baekhyun's pheromones. The whine his wolf lets out is proof enough his wolf feels it too, it would be improper of him to declare to Yixing and Minseok that their precious son has accepted him as his destined mate and ask for their permission. Especially as it's clear all their emotions are heightened and alert with Baekhyun discovering his true heritage. Chanyeol knows Baekhyun will have questions that only his parents can answer, those questions should be answered first before he makes his intentions clear. It will be a lot to take in for the mated couple, their precious charge the mate of a Supreme alpha and then Baekhyun leaving the temple for his rightful place beside him.

He would be blind to miss how the temple is preparing for the Luna feast of a blue moon, and he suspects only a couple days away. The moon dials reflection he passed when he chased after the omega was shining a muted blue, a sure sign a blue moon is coming. He could pay no more attention to the moon dials beauty as he raced passed it, on his pursuit to ensure Baekhyun's safety. The Luna feast an important event to honour their gods, it should take precedence over him asking permission to court and mate. Calmess filled him, he is not surprised either, all it takes is just one look of Baekhyun's ethereal beauty. A beauty that's beyond this world with how he shines the brightest in the sunlight calms him and his impatience as only a true mate could. This beautiful omega exudes everything he has ever wanted in a mate, it's not just his ethereal beauty. His precious omega has intelligence, a soothing presence, and a gentle heart! Underneath that fragility, he has no doubt  is a strong and competent wolf, Baekhyun is the only wolf worthy in his eyes to stand beside him. He can feel a flare of arousal coursing through him and how that heat within him, causes his wolf to purr in his ears when he remembers Jongdae's words at how close Baekhyun is to his heat. A heat that will  start within the week!

Chanyeol Alpha, I know you are excited to claim and mate with that Omega. I can smell it on you! You know we will have to leave the temple so Baekhyun endure his first heat alone before you can claim him.

I know he has to endure his first heat alone, i wish he didn't and truthfully I don't want to leave him unprotected Jongdae.

Chanyeol can feel his wolf growling at being separated from their yet to be made official young mate. He goes to turn and face the wolves at his back, when he senses both Jongdae and Sehun start to shift into human form. Its then he spies the clothes on the floor, whilst nudity doesn't bother most of them he knows Jongdae is sensitive over the scar on his leg so keeps facing the meadow to find his mate is on the move. He catches the nod Yixing sends him as he and Minseok lead Baekhyun back to the temple. Guilt fills him he should not of growled through the link, he knows Jongdae is right, as much as it will kill him to leave he knows he must. It has always been considered very taboo to mate with an Omega not recognised as mature. It is essentially what started the clan wars it all started when a mated Alpha raped a fresh off their heat omega, that in itself was diabolical! It set in motion a chain of events that obliterated such creatures that deserved nothing but love. It still irks him now that an alpha as his old as his father couldn't control his animal instinct and then tried to pass it off as the omega enticing him. Thankfully once the majority of the clans came to their senses it had long been decreed any omega male or female is to experience their first heat safely before being mated.  Chanyeol's father had welcomed this news, and made a safe haven for all omegas within the safe compounds of the healing villas for this. Especially when his father and the older mated  omegas explained that the first heat is the worst, he had asked what makes a first heat so painful only for each of the omegas helping his father to say it was not a matter for an Alpha to concern himself over.

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