A Declaration of Forever

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Chanyeol's POV at high moon.
It's against the backdrop of the setting sun and the gates of the golden encampment finally visible through the tree line, does he finally take a much needed deep breath. He takes a much needed moment to inhale and exhale at the very welcome sight of his home, the scent of fragrant saffron, magnolia, olives and wild flowers in the air. The air is also filled with what ever is spit roasting in the centre of the encampment. A roast hog right now is exactly what all the wolves whom have come with him to free his mate need. He's not stupid, which is why he decided to wait on the tree line for just a moment, Blanca and her mutts could be waiting to ambush them at any moment, a brazen move if she should try it considering the might of his clan is less then a furlong away. Sensing and smelling all is well he takes that first step towards home.

It's good to be home, it's been an exhausting week away from his pack, the last 24 hours mentally draining as he's tried to keep his precious young mate safe, his wounded and tired mate has truly shown just how great his strength is, these last couple of days. First with enduring their separation, the antagonisation and brutal handling from Yukio, then the long journey home. They were only 50 miles away from the temple when Baekhyun requested to get down off his back, seconds later his moon child morphed into his own wolf form, his sublime white wolf whom proceeded to lick away the blood from his head . Before snuggling in under his snout, a moment they both clearly needed, as they stood there under the sunlight, basking in the sun's heat and each other's loving and protective presence. Their coats sparkling against the sun in perfect symmetry, that had cast almost blue shadows over the grass verges they stood on.

The only thing they both hated, was that his moonchild could not heal either of their wounds, but Baekhyun's brave intimate act of licking away the blood from his fur couldn't have clearer meaning. One that just made him fall more in love, as he watched his injured mate limp around him making sure he was fully clean, all before sitting in front of him holding up each paw, one at a time for he himself to heal with his tongue. The adrenaline flowing through his veins had almost consumed him, he so desperately wanted to mount his mate, a common occurrence after battle but his delicate and still frightened mate was in no position to accept him, so he controlled himself.

Chanyeol had wanted his moonchild to rest,  had insisted on it but Baekhyun had insisted they keep moving. The rest of the wolves that followed him to free Baekhyun were quick to catch up to them, as he had secretly made them slow down so as not to tiredout his delicate moon child. Chanyeol was further wowed by his mate who retuned to his human form, rewrapped the flimsy tunic into something less revealing, before assisting as many wolves as he could with wrapping wounds that would take longer to heal.

Never flinching at each drop of blood he helped to clean away, never tiring of the long walk back to the encampment. Never once complaining of being cold or hungry, his mate had been the epitome of grace, a true supreme consort. He could only watch on in pride as he watched his moon child rush up to Sehun, bow low to beg for forgiveness over the harm to Luhan and the death of his pack member that he felt responsible for. Sehun had simply bowed back to Baekhyun and exclaimed his bowing was not necessary, that any wolf would do the same given the situation. Then Sehun had confirmed his own mate link remains strong and true, that Luhan was already back on his feet. That the wolf who died will be honoured with a feast and a prayer to the moon gods, his fallen form already heading back to the Oh Clan. He himself may not have a pack link with Minseok or Yixing, but it's clear Baekhyun's parents used that moment to settle any fears over Minseok as Baekhyun seemed to relax even further.

My son, your mate will be the finest consort this pack has ever seen, a mate that will rewrite the history of his kind. Everything is being prepared for the claiming ceremony, I do not think it is wise to wait any longer, Suho has also sent word he will be here by the next full moon.

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