Love Under A Blue Moon!

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Two days Later Baekhyun's POV.
Baekhyun stretches out his body, as his conscious returns to him, surprised to feel paws and fur. He doesn't remember shifting into his wolf! He's surrounded by scents the first a very familiar earthy scent that claims his soul, the rest he doesn't recognise. Closing his eyes he realises its  not the honeysuckle and wild flowers he can always smell from the balcony of his bedroom, this is something all the more decadent! He can smell the light rare scent of saffron in air mixed with the fresh scent of verbena and olive trees.

It's addicting especially when those scents are mixed with that masculine earthy scent he would know better then his own! His whole body hums in delight at being surrounded by that spicy woody smell that is so uniquely Chanyeol. It's not his alpha in the flesh, but his heady scent is so deeply imbedded in the silk cover over him, that it makes him want to purr. The cover is so expensively intricate woven with gold thread it could only belong to Chanyeol. Opening his eyes and turning his head he expects to see his mate but can only whine when he realises all he can feel is his presence in their mate link and realise he is not at all where he thought he would be.

He's not in his room at the the temple at all, this room is all the more exquisite. Lavender silk curtains hang from a canopied balcony, the walls maybe neutral but they are inlaid with silver crescent moons. There is a antique silver dresser directly opposite his nest too, but it's not just any dresser its inlaid with moonstones that glimmer in the late afternoon sun. The dresser is also topped with the same crystal bottles his mother has in his nest room, no doubt a variety of lotions and balms! His tail wags too when he sees a decadent brocaded chaise lounge in the corner, groaning under multiple bales of silk, taffeta and expensively died cotton.

There on a cushion bench he finds his mother softly snoring. His heart and rising confusion instantly increasing when he realises they are alone and thankfully realises he no longer feels that red hot pain pulsing through his veins. Have they been captured? he remembers those vicious yellow eyes and the claws in his arms how his alpha, shaking his head at his absurd thinking, he would not be in such a lavish yet soothing room if he had. Nor would his alpha's scent be so prominent!

It's a great calming comfort to be surrounded by his mates scent. Baekhyun remember the fear and horror is his gut when that gigantic beast held him down. He is certain had that disgusting vile wolf that smelled decay would of claimed him against his will, he would be on his knees in chains! He can feel the low growl in the back of his throat at the very thought of spending his life in acute pain and heartbreak! Gently shaking his head to rid himself of the bile rising in his throat, no he will not think of it. He is safe now and soon will be reunited with his loved his strong warrior wolf.

Spotting his cloak and tunic beside his still sleeping mother he decides, perhaps it's best to return to his human form. This place may be soon become home, Baekhyun however is very much aware he is still yet to be claimed. Traditions dictate even mates have to be allowed formal entry to theirs spouses homes. If he were in his human form he would already be blushing, the events leading up to this moment may be clouded by his heat haze but he was lucid enough to recognise just who placed the cooling towel on his forehead!

Traditionally Baekhyun knows he should of bowed at the older alpha's feet and presented some kind of offering, preferably a recent animal kill or something to show his skill set! Instead Chanyeol's father got to meet him in his most vulnerable state, delirious in the midst of his first heat! What he does remember was feeling instantly calmer at that soft smile! The panic at not following traditions eases slightly, he really wants to reach out to his mate but can feel the concentration and restraint coming off him in waves, and decided maybe perhaps it is best to go find him.

Standing up on all four paws, he scents at the air again choosing to ignore the sudden strong overpowering scent of cinnamon now he is free of his silk cocoon. He closes his eyes and wills himself into human form, tensing and taking a deep breath expecting that unforgiving cramping and intense yearning in his stomach.

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