A Discovery of Spies

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Yixing's POV.
The door is bolted and secure my love.

Yixing calms at the soothing tone Minseok projects through their link. He knows both his precious hearts will be safe there, well as safe as they can be without him.  Thankful that the heartbeat pounding in his ears lessen at knowing Minseok and Baekhyun are safe, it doesn't calm his wolf though as he tries desperately to keep his wolf under control! A very difficult task when his wolf is snarling into his ears desperate to be close to their darling mate and precious moon child. It's only the still calm soothing presence of his mate through their link and knowing they are both safe that keeps him from taking his wolf form. A form he cannot take right now, taking the form of his wolf could be seen as a sign of disrespect to the unwanted visitors at his gates. Taking a deep breath to calm and cleanse his mind of the disbelief currently residing there. He needs a clear head to deal with the group now at his gates and has stalled enough for those at the gates to think he is being rude.

He's done all he can to stall for time, to ensure those precious minutes will not be in vain. He knows without even having to ask that Minseok will have the vials of wolfsbane with him. A highly potent mix of wolfsbane poisons created by one of the elders that used to be a healer. Just  one drop even on skin would paralyses a wolf, it would give them chance to escape should the very worst happen. The very worst being that the wolves a party of six in human form, one a female beta, the rest a mix of beta and alpha males still at the gates kill him, the supreme alpha and destroy the temple. A part of him is a little angry, that he didn't see this coming, as the wolves at the gates are his worst fear! He prays in desperation that its a simple coincidence.

There can be only two reasons why wolves of the winter pack a clam who haven't step foot in the temple for a century now standing at the gates are here. The obvious reason being the Supreme alpha, the second one is that they know about Baekhyun just think that they do causes instant dread to fill his veins. His heartbreaking when he doesn't just hear his wolfs whimpers but his darling Minseok's as well. Minnie my darling you must stay calm, Baekhyun will be able to sense your distress! It only takes a second for Yixing to here his mates response I can hear your thoughts Yixing, I know very well who is at the gates, would it not be best that you distract them! I promise I can get Baekhyun to the basement and the secret passage. I can sense those young wolves that were with The supreme alpha are close, just say the words my love and I will have Baekhyun out of my sanctuary and heading for that passage.

Now is not the time for that my love, I know you too well you would make Baekhyun leave with Tao and Kai, it would destroy you to make him leave without us. I also know your spirit you'd head straight here, I promise should I need you to move I will tell you. Right now your safest where you are.

Yixing takes the growl he hears next as confirmation Minseok has understood. Finally at the marble steps of the main temple, he has a perfect view of their visitors. All of them are indeed members of the Winter clan, he can tell from the aura surrounding them! It's a scent that makes him stand straighter so as not to shudder, it's full of arrogance and greed. It's an unpleasant scent of stale mead, medical herbs and spilled blood. One he would know anywhere, even a century after he last smelled it and how it remains just as potent today. It's not a scent you would associate with a clan, most have smells of the earth, scents of the river or the woods depending where their pack is. Just like he knows those who have devoted their life to the temple have a scent of frankincense and roses. The scent of  the winter pack is an unpleasant smell of a clan unrepentant of the lives they have taken. The female beta, is one he recognises a she wolf by the name of Blanca, the sister of the winter packs new alpha a wolf, a wolf  by the name Yukio. Thankfully Yukio is a wolf who wouldn't be caught dead here! Yixing feels his wolf growl and bare his teeth at the name, Yukio was the one who was leading the hunt for Benji! Yukio was the main reason they decided to keep Baekhyun secret, Yukio had a dangerous going to his eyes the last time he saw him, it was one of a wolf that enjoyed inflicting torment! A wolf  just as cruel as his uncle possibly even crueler and definitely not a wolf that can not be trusted.

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