A Wolfs Cry Part One!

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Chanyeol can hear that blood curdling scream reverberate all the way through his mate link, a pain that feels so real he can barely breathe. He so desperately wants to howl out a cry to arms across to every available member of his pack. His mate needs him yet the image before him, has his heart equally breaking! He can feel the evil seeping out of the muddy brown she wolf that stands at the front of a group of 20 other wolves. Wolves that are currently engaged with a stare off with his father, and only eight of of the strongest alphas and betas from his and Sehun's combined packs. The archers standing atop the white stone walls don't ease his discomfort. Each of the wolves standing against his own pack carries the unmistakable stench of the winter clan, death and hatred!

His heart hammers under his pelt that the muddy wolf is not Yukio, Yukio's pelt is speckled much like a blood hound, fitting considering his deplorable attitude to everything the clans stand by. Not that Yukio knows it, it was the first thing any alpha or beta that is tasked with the protection of the clan learns. Yukio's less then ordinary pelt stands out in situations like this, and makes him an easy target. His heart sinks when scanning through the muted browns and blonde pelts that speckled pelt is nowhere to be seen.

Instant panic fills him at Yukio's absence, his whole being ripples in fear over the scream he heard into the link he shares with his precious star. He desperately try's to push to his link with Sehun to see what's happening and is instantly met with a block. Sehun only ever blocks his call when he is trying to concentrate! He could reach out to Yixing, as supreme alpha all wolves are obliged to answer his call, alerting an already stressed father will be disastrous. Digging his claws deeper in to the earth, at the sheet rage coursing through his veins like an avalanche, that camp he found was not as abandoned as he believed. His wish to keep Baekhyun comfortable before the onslaught of his heat by camping out for the night may of well of cost his clan in more ways then one!

He can't even command the young alphas with him to take their place beside his father! It will give away their position within the tree line, and could place his father in a dangerous position. The only saving grace is that Yixing still seems to be calm, he's not a fool to believe that nothing is amiss and Baekhyun is just simply screaming in pain over his heat. His heart screams at him to turn back, yet a part of him wants to move forward to aid his father.

My son, you have to believe in yourself for your mate. You are the strongest of our kind, our clan is prosperous and where we are now because of you! Trust me I will handle Blanca, she wouldn't dare try to breach the gates- the omegas who can not fight are already heading to the caves below the healing house, the pups too! Go bring your mate to the safety of our walls where our mighty clan family will protect him!

Father! I fear I have walked us into a trap, i have failed as Supreme Alpha to keep our clan safe from a spy. To make it worse I have failed my unclaimed mate, I left him in the throes of his heat! Father his scream broke through the link I had severed so as not to succumb to my instincts.

Chanyeol my son, I know you fear how your instincts will over power your unclaimed mate. Your wolf is powerfull and unyielding and is what's needed in a time like this. You and your wolf are one and both love your mate, I know your scared your wolf will over power Baekhyun and demand mating but he won't if his life is on the line. Your wolf is a part of you, embrace his power and there is nothing you can't do.

Chanyeol goes to mentally thank his father, but is cut of by the loud and imposing growl the 21 imposter wolves emit into the air. He knows it's a tactic to wind up their opponents, should his father make the first move and loose the winter clan can request compensation something the elders would not be able to deny. He already knows what Blanca wants, she wants to be his mate! Something even the elders cannot grant. Baekhyun is more then his mate, that beautiful delicate creature is his soulmate, once fully mated they will share a bond that reaches far beyond a mate link. Chanyeol struggles to keep his gasp within him, the camp he found may of been abandoned but those who made it never left! A flash of his precious stars blue hair as they declared their love for each other under the moon, fills his vision. Yukio must of been there last night! Its only explanation for Yukio's absence in front of his father now. The winter clan abhor blue omegas, and he has foolishly left his unclaimed blue omega mate with just one alpha and an injured beta!

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